Some Taganrozh residents came to the polls to say “no” – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

In total, about 40 thousand voters came to the elections in Taganrog. Some of them did not come to vote, but to express their attitude to the elections. The fact is that on average about 3% of participants (30-40 people) vote as if “against” – they spoil the ballot or take it with them. However, in two districts (where Oksana Utesova and Ilya Belik won). the parameter is very different. In the first case (that is, the 11th district), the situation is generally strange: the winning deputy won by one vote, and the only difference is in the decision of the precinct election commission: there could have been a tie. 266 votes passed from the candidates: In the other case (the 15th district), everything is clearer. Supporters of Larisa Ovsienko, who was removed from participation on the eve of the elections, voted for this. Egor Belov All our publications about the City Duma can be read here: 2350 News about Bloknot-Taganrog

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