where in Russia it will suddenly get cold and rain will start – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

During the specified period, warm, dry weather will persist in most of the European territory of Russia, with air temperatures 4-9° above average climatic values, but in some places the weather will present surprises.

Air masses from Central Asia and the eastern Mediterranean continue to flow into European Russia along the western periphery of the vast continental anticyclone, the Russian Hydrometeorological Center reports. Warm and even hot weather in some places is expected over the three-day period from September 10 to 12 in most of European Russia.

In the North-West region and in the south of the European territory of Russia, near atmospheric fronts, short-term rains will occur in places, in some areas thunderstorms with wind speeds of up to 15-20 m/s are possible, in the south up to 23 m/s.

With the strengthening influence of the vast continental anticyclone, calm, moderately warm weather with a large daily variation in air temperature will be established in most of the Ural region and in adjacent areas of Western Siberia, with fog at night and in the morning in some areas.

In the northern and eastern regions of Siberia, in the rear part of the cyclone, cool unstable weather will persist with precipitation in the form of rain and wet snow, in places wind with gusts of 15-20 m/s, in some areas up to 20-25 m/s, at the end of the period in Taimyr up to 25-30 m/s.

An active cyclone is moving through the Amur region to the coast of the Magadan region. Under its influence, rains are expected in the southern half of the Far East, in some places heavy, in the Amur region, Primorye and Khabarovsk Krai in some places thunderstorms, wind with gusts of 15-20 m/s, in some places up to 20-25 m/s.

In the northern half of the Far East, cyclones and atmospheric fronts will occasionally cause precipitation in the form of rain and wet snow; on the coast of Chukotka, in some places, winds with gusts of up to 15-20 m/s will occur.

The most drastic weather changes, according to the latest data from the Russian Hydrometeorological Center, are expected:

September 10. In the Rostov region, Krasnodar region (excluding Novorossiysk and Sochi) there will be heavy rain, thunderstorms, hail, wind 20-23 m/s are possible.

Heavy rain and thunderstorms are expected in Zaporizhzhya Oblast, Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics. Heavy rain is expected in Karachay-Cherkessia.

In the south of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets municipal district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the wind will rise to 25 m/s or more at night. In the southeast of the Zabaikalsky Territory, winds of 25-30 m/s are expected at night. In the south of the Amur Region, there will be heavy rain, thunderstorms, and winds of 19-24 m/s. It will be rainy on Sakhalin, with winds of up to 16-21 m/s (in the northern and central regions, 20-25 m/s). There will be heavy rain in the Primorsky Territory.

10, 12 September. In Khabarovsk Krai on September 10 there will be heavy rain, wind 18-23 m/s (on the Okhotsk coast 23-28 m/s), on September 12 in the north there will be heavy rain, wind 17-22 m/s

September 10-12. A dust storm is expected in Kalmykia. Frosts are expected in Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions (temperatures at night up to -2°), in Omsk region, in the south of Tyumen region, in the central and southern regions of Krasnoyarsk region, in Khakassia (-5…-2°).

Heavy rain is expected in the western and northern regions of the Irkutsk region on September 10, and frosts on September 11-12 (temperatures at night up to -5°). In Yakutia, heavy rain will be in the south on September 10-11, and rain and snow in the north on September 12, with winds of 19-24 m/s.

September 11. In the Magadan region there will be heavy rain, wind 15-20 m/s.

September 11-12. Frosts will occur in the Kemerovo region (temperature at night up to -2°), in Tuva (up to -3°).

September 12. Frosts are also expected in the Altai Territory (temperatures at night up to -2°). In the north of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the wind will reach 25-30 m/s.

High, in places extreme fire danger from September 10-12 remains in the Northwestern, Central, Volga and Southern Federal Districts, in Stavropol Krai, Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, Zaporozhye Oblast, in the south of Zabaikalsky and Khabarovsk Krais.

Read our article for a detailed weather forecast for all of Russia for the week from September 9 to 15.

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Weather forecast for September 10-12, 2024: where in Russia it will get sharply colder and rain will begin.

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