Environmental violations were discovered at the oil depot in the case of the son of the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs.

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The prosecutor’s office has identified violations in the activities of BG-Terminal LLC, which manages an oil depot in the village of Bogatoe, which was involved in high-profile criminal cases of bribery and attempted bribery of FSB officers. The prosecutor’s investigation was prompted by complaints from local residents about the pungent smell of hydrogen sulfide from the depot, located in close proximity to the residential sector. Rosprirodnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor specialists were involved in the inspection. It turned out that, in violation of the Law on Environmental Protection, BG-Terminal LLC was not registered as an object of negative impact on the environment. In addition, the organization did not comply with the requirements for establishing a sanitary protection zone, namely, it did not conduct an air test for certain indicators and levels of physical impact on the atmosphere outside the facility. “Based on the violations identified by the district prosecutor’s office in relation to the guilty official, decisions were made to bring him to administrative responsibility, as provided for by Part 1 of Article 6.3 and Article 8.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The director of BG-Terminal LLC was presented with a proposal to eliminate violations of federal legislation. Response acts are under consideration,” the prosecutor’s office of the Samara Region reported. Part 1 of Article 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for liability for violating current sanitary rules and hygiene standards, and Article 8.1 – for failure to comply with environmental requirements in the implementation of urban development activities, operation of enterprises and structures. For officials, the first violation is fraught with a fine of 500 to 1,000 rubles, the second – from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. The prosecutor’s office also sent the head of the district information “on the unlawful and incomplete adoption of measures by local government bodies aimed at informing the competent authorities about the facts of air pollution.” However, it is reported that no excess of maximum permissible concentrations was detected in atmospheric air samples taken at the boundary of residential buildings near the oil depot. Local residents claim that the odors are not present constantly, and usually appear in the evening and at night, which makes it difficult to account for emissions. The confrontation between local residents and the owners and operators of the oil depot has been ongoing since the early 2000s. Then the territory of the former warehouses of the former state enterprise “Department of Production and Technical Support and Equipment Supply “Kuibyshevneft” on Neftyanikov Street, 3 was purchased by OAO “Eleksbrokers” from Ilya Karas. The new owner launched construction on the territory of the base with the installation of equipment intended, according to available data, to separate industrial water from oil, as well as by composition. These processes allow the enterprise to be classified as an oil refinery, with all the accompanying sanitary and environmental requirements for the production process. at the operating oil depot were accompanied by characteristic odors, about which local residents began to complain to Moscow, where, apparently, it was canceled). In addition, in some places the distance from the base fence to residential buildings. is only 20-30 meters. As a result, the enterprise’s operations were suspended for 90 days. However, the discontent of local residents and the related inspections did not entail serious consequences for the operations of the oil depot. After the scandalous bankruptcy of Elexbrokers in 2016, the company’s capacities, as well as the license for the Kommunarskoye oil field, were transferred to Inter-Industry Association TNP LLC. This company with St. Petersburg. FSB: who is behind the scandalous company Last weekend in Samara, the son of the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Igor Zubov Denis Zubov, the president of the mini-football club Dynamo-Samara Igor Karpov and the former . Director of MO NTP LLC Vasily Ermakov has been arrested According to investigators, they acted in the interests of TNP, transferring 18 million rubles to an FSB officer who played the role of a “werewolf” and promised to pay him 5 million. Let us recall that in 2018, TNP management brought three FSB colonels to criminal responsibility: Sergei Gudovany, Pavel Chermashentsev and Alexander Peretochkin. The security officials received large fines of 118 million rubles, which were given to them by intermediaries to protect the company. And already in 2022, for attempting to bribe an FSB officer (18 million rubles). +then 5 million per month) Denis Zubov, the son of the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Igor Zubov, and Igor Karpov, the president of the Dynamo-Samara mini-football club (who already had a conviction for selling) were caught. consumer goods, oil exported under the guise of industrial water) and the former director of the MO OOO NTP Vasily Ermakov (taken into account in the case of the colonels). According to the investigation, they acted in the interests of TNP. The court sentenced them to 22 years in prison for three years and large fines. In both cases, the reasons why the company demanded such expensive patronage remained behind the scenes. Now the operator of the oil depot is the company BG-Terminal, created in September 2022. Its representatives claim that they have nothing to do with TNP and crime. However, according to the Seldon.Basis information system, the company is registered at 126 Samara Street, where several companies controlled by a group of persons associated with consumer goods are also “registered”: OOO TD AGROPROMEXPORT, AO BOMEZ, OOO UK Samara Bakaleya and another house – st. Stepana Razina, 128 is a boutique hotel and tavern “Dom Sivre”, also owned by persons affiliated with TNP. The founder of BG-Terminal is Yulia Benak, an arbitration manager of the Novgorod region and the founder of OOO Neftebaza OKA-CENTRO, registered in the village of Borisovo in the Moscow region. OOO OKA-CENTER Nefteprodukt was previously listed at this address (now it has a Samara address), owned by Dmitry Barilnikov, who was a co-founder of TNP in 2022-2024.

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