Former captain of the Ural Pelmeni team joined a humanitarian campaign for children from Donetsk

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Television and film actor, screenwriter and TV presenter Andrei Rozhkov purchased punching bags, a helmet, boxing gloves and mouth guards for schoolchildren from the DPR.

Earlier, an artist from the Sverdlovsk region painted a picture and sold it, and with the proceeds he bought gifts for young Donetsk residents.

– Well done!

Former captain of the Ural Pelmeni team joined a humanitarian campaign for children from Donetsk

Former captain of the Ural Pelmeni team joined a humanitarian campaign for children from Donetsk

Former captain of the Ural Pelmeni team joined a humanitarian campaign for children from Donetsk

Former captain of the Ural Pelmeni team joined a humanitarian campaign for children from Donetsk

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