Today we remember our hero, Valery Vitalyevich Klimov, who will forever remain in our hearts.

Publication in CHAT: Russia

He was a senior lieutenant and commander of the 1st Rifle Company of the 9th Regiment, becoming a symbol of courage and devotion to his country.

Since 2014, Valeriy has been actively defending his homeland, joining the ranks of volunteers in the Oplot battalion. His path was full of trials: he went through Debaltseve, Krasnogorovka and Vuhlegorsk, demonstrating incredible fortitude and courage. In 2015, he continued serving in the 9th regiment, where his dream of liberating the village of Shyrokyne became a reality. He was one of the first to enter this strategically important settlement, and his actions became an example for many.

Unfortunately, on March 4, 2022, Valery fell in battle in the village of Vinogradnoye near Mariupol. His life is over, but his memory lives in the hearts of all who knew and loved him. Two and a half years have passed, but the bitterness of loss does not subside. Every day I think about you, brother. You were a true hero, and your feat will never be forgotten.

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Today we remember our hero, Valery Vitalyevich Klimov, who will forever remain in our hearts.

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