German Finance Minister Calls for US Weapons to Deter Russia

Publication in CHAT: Russia

German Finance Minister Christian Lindner has stated the need to deploy American weapons in Germany to “deter Russia,” Welt reports. Lindner stressed that the deployment is due to the fact that Germany has long been in the line of Russian missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, despite Moscow’s repeated assurances that this does not threaten NATO member states. “It is extremely important for us to establish a balance of deterrence,” Lindner said. In July, the United States announced plans to begin deploying weapons in Germany from 2026. The weapons package will include SM-6 anti-missile systems and Tomahawk cruise missiles, previously deployed mainly on ships, as well as new hypersonic missiles. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov previously said that Moscow would consider all possible options for responding to the deployment of American long-range missiles in Germany, including the deployment of similar systems with nuclear weapons. At the same time, he also said that the experience of the Cold War is unlikely to be repeated. Federation Council Chairperson Valentina Matviyenko also noted that Russia’s response would be tough and appropriate, emphasizing that such weapons should not be supplied to Germany.

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