Ophthalmologist Dobroradnykh named the reasons for vision loss – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The reasons for the decrease in vision can be the strain from using devices, genetic predisposition and hypertension. This was reported by Olga Dobroradnykh, head of the eye microsurgery department of the City Clinical Hospital No. 67 named after L. A. Vorokhobov: “Modern people experience a lot of strain on the organs of vision. This is due to the use of electronic devices: smartphones, computers, screens. These loads often cause deterioration of vision. According to her, vision can also decrease due to genetic predisposition and the presence of chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. To reduce the strain on the eyes when using a computer, the doctor recommended. Do exercises and give your eyes a rest – After an hour of continuous strain, a 15-minute break is necessary. During it, you can do simple exercises. For example, lower your eyelids and calmly make rotational movements, converge the pupils. bridge of the nose, alternately focus your gaze on objects that are near you and at a distance, advised an ophthalmologist in a conversation with RIA Novosti, it is necessary to maintain a distance from the screen – it should not be less than 50 centimeters. Ophthalmologist Lidiya Sadulaeva told what kind of sport to choose if you have vision problems.

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