I was told a story that happened in our time in front of millions of viewers.

Publication in CHAT: Russia

It was a news broadcast on Egyptian television, live. A popular TV presenter was hosting a regular news program and was routinely reporting on yet another murder of Christians in one of the remote villages. This had happened so often that it was no longer a sensation. So they followed the classic pattern: read out the text, contact the correspondent on the spot, quickly question eyewitnesses. But this time, the journalists managed to bring the mother of the murdered Christian youth to the camera, and a twist appeared in the typical story! The woman had only a few seconds to speak on the air, and she had something to say: “My son was killed today! The one who did this is somewhere nearby and maybe he can even hear me at this moment. I want to tell him: son! I know how hard it is for you, what a burden you carry in your heart, and I want you to know: I forgive you!” What would you feel if you were in front of the screen at that moment? The viewer expected completely different words, and even the host was not prepared for such a turn of events: an adult man, an experienced journalist, he burst into tears right in front of the camera, lamenting: “What kind of people are these Christians? Where does so much kindness come from?” When we ourselves testify to our faith, it is beautiful and worthy. When outsiders testify to our faith, the testimony acquires unprecedented weight.”

Author: Archimandrite Savva (Mazhuko)

I was told a story that happened in our time in front of millions of viewers.

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