An extraordinary meeting of the City Duma took place in Taganrog – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

On June 28, an extraordinary meeting of the City Duma was held in Taganrog, caused by the need to quickly make changes and additions to some decisions previously adopted by the representative body. In particular, projects presented by the prosecutor of the city of Taganrog were considered as legislative initiatives. Changes have been proposed to the Regulations on the organization of the provision of funeral services and the maintenance of burial places in the city. In particular, the new edition introduces Article 8 “Features of the burial of fallen (deceased) military personnel, veterans and certain categories of citizens.” The article explains the list of persons whose burial and the production of monuments to whom will be carried out at the expense of the federal bodies in which they served or fulfilled contractual obligations. Thus, the City Duma expanded measures of social support for internal affairs bodies. Also, at the proposal of the prosecutor, changes were made to the Regulations on the budget process of Taganrog. This provision was consistent with federal legislation regarding the municipal guarantee program: the provision of municipal guarantees was suspended until January 1, 2025. Because some deputies have made it a rule not to attend City Duma meetings, reporting this right before the meeting and thereby endangering their behavior, I would like to ask them a question, why did they go to the Duma? It’s a pity that they cannot be deprived of their parliamentary mandate for such actions! Well, if poor health does not allow you to get to the meeting place, is it worth making ambitious plans for the future? To resolve these important issues, it was possible to gather a quorum and new norms of municipal legal acts were adopted L. Sadovnikova 2959 News of Kadzher-Taganrog

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