Temperature anomaly recorded in Murmansk region – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

News | 30 06 2024, 15:53 ​​| SeverPost Photo: SeverPost / Irina Shved On June 29, a full assessment of abnormally hot places in the European part of Russia was carried out in the Murmansk region. On average, the region is 10° warmer than usual. The leader in heat was Titovsky Pass, where it was 11.7° warmer than usual. In Verkhnetulomsky it was 11° warmer, at the Murmansk airport 10.8° warmer. In Lovozero on Saturday it was 10° warmer than normal, in Yaniskoski – 9.9°, in Tumanny – 9.8°, in Kovdor – 9.7°, in Zarechensk – 9.5°, in Monchegorsk and Svetly – 9.4°. In Murmansk, June 29 was the hottest day of June. The air temperature in the city was +27.4°. This is 8.2° above normal. Let us recall that the heat in the Arctic was briefly replaced by a thunderstorm. Read also: Murmansk musician opens the season of “street pianos” To be the first to know about the main news and most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel.

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