A new school will be built in the Kirovsky district of Samara – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

A new educational institution will appear in Samara. They are planning to build a school at Metallurg. This is stipulated by the agreement on the integrated development of the territory (IDT) near the park named after 50th Anniversary of October (Metallurgists), which the mayor’s office concluded with OOO SZ Premier-Investstroy of Anatoly Davidyuk. The IDT covers two non-adjacent plots. The first is located within the boundaries of Sovetskaya, Nagornaya, Tashkentsky Pereulok, Yunyh Pionerov Avenue streets, the second is between Nagornaya, Pugachevskaya and Stavropolskaya streets. The total area is 12.6 hectares. Slums with a kindergarten will be demolished: a new microdistrict with multi-storey buildings will be built A second attempt has been made to distribute land with old houses to developers for integrated development of territories (IDT) with businessmen of the previous wave-winners From new auctions, projects have begun to be prepared on Volzhskie Novosti, which microdistricts will be transformed and what will appear there Let’s start with the area of ​​Park Metallurgov. However, there is an entire microdistrict there: according to the terms of the agreement, the developer must resettle and demolish the old two-storey buildings on the site. In return, he will get the opportunity to build new houses there. Another mandatory condition is the construction of social institutions on the territory. “In total, two kindergartens for 110 and 120 places, as well as a school for 675 places are planned to be built on the site. The construction of preschool institutions must be provided by Premier-Investstroy. But the developer must vacate it for him no later than September 14, 2028, and transfer the project of the object, which has passed the state examination, to municipal ownership free of charge,” the Samara Department of Urban Development explained to Volzhskie Novosti. The school has already been selected. As indicated in the sketch, it will be built at the intersection of Nagornaya and Sovetskaya streets. Currently, kindergarten No. 306 is located on this site; it is planned to demolish it.

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