The traffic jam on the way out of Voronezh stretched for 5 km. – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

On the afternoon of Saturday, June 29, a large traffic jam formed at the exit from Voronezh. According to the Yandex.Maps service, until 15:00 the length of the traffic jam was about 5 km. There is a report of a traffic accident. On some sections of the road there are practically no cars moving. Residents of Voronezh publish footage on social networks showing a large number of trucks stuck in a traffic jam Photo – In general, the road situation in Voronezh remains calm. The Yandex.Maps service estimates traffic jams in the city at two points. Earlier, near Voronezh, traffic was partially blocked on the bridge across Usmanka on the road to Babyakovo – 13 km from R-193 Voronezh. – Tambov highway. Vehicles pass in reverse order following semaphore signals. The restriction was introduced due to road works. It is planned that the bridge will be fully open to vehicle traffic in the first half of July. Details are in the material of RIA Voronezh. Did you notice the error? Select it with the mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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