Is it summer now? Forecaster warns what Muscovites should prepare for in August

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Information resources are frightening that summer is over and August will be cold. This information was commented on by the specialist of the Meteonovosti agency Tatyana Pozdnyakova. The abnormal heat will indeed decrease, but overall the month will be quite comfortable in terms of temperature. A decrease is expected only in the last days of July. “We expect a slight decrease in temperature,” the expert says. “But I think that severe cold is more of a PR stunt than a real situation. Because indeed on Monday and Tuesday we will be under the influence of an Atlantic cyclone. And it will rain with varying intensity. The cold front of this cyclone, and colder air will begin to flow into its rear.” On Monday, July 29, relatively cool rain is expected. It will be warm at night, but during the day the temperature may even decrease due to precipitation. “At the same time, we expect that tomorrow, on Sunday, the temperature will still be high – 25-27, for Moscow this is the hot weather category,” Pozdnyakova continues. “And I think it will still be quite comfortable, because if there is precipitation, it will only be in the afternoon. On Monday and Tuesday, the daytime temperature will be around 20, in the region, perhaps even a little lower. The nights are still quite warm. At the same time, our average daily temperature will be 3-4 degrees below normal. But this process will not last long. Because both forecasters and models assume that at the beginning of August we will get weather that matches the climate. That is, although in the last days of July the air temperature will begin to fall quickly, in the first five days of August it will return to normal. On the 15th, for example, the average temperature is 17.5 degrees.” In August, the temperature changes significantly during the month. “This is a natural change in temperature,” explains Tatyana Pozdnyakova. – Not due to the invasion of some air masses, but due to a natural cooling, since the height of the sun decreases and the length of daylight hours also decreases. At the same time, you will not have to be afraid of the cold during the day, the temperature will be quite comfortable. The accumulated heat will be enough to keep the earth from cooling down. In a few days, the earth will be able to share the heat with the earth’s air layer.”

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