An elderly man died in a head-on collision with a truck in the Moscow region

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Law enforcement officers are investigating the circumstances of a traffic accident in the urban district of Solnechnogorsk, in which a 65-year-old man died. This was reported to Vecher v Moskve by the head of the press service of the main director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region, Tatyana Petrova. On June 28, at approximately 19:50, an accident occurred one kilometer from the highway. Solnechnogorsk – Tarakanovo – Popelkovo. As a result of the accident, the driver of the car died, she said. The head of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs added that, according to preliminary data, an elderly driver was driving a foreign car. drove into the oncoming lane and collided with a truck. The traffic police officers who arrived at the scene established all the circumstances of the accident. Petrova added that based on the results of all the events, a decision will be made within the framework of Russian legislation. Five cars collided on Mozhaisk Highway near the Minsk cinema. Information about the dead and injured, as well as other circumstances of the incident, has not yet been provided.

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