“You will return in a year with increased justice.” Fifteen Voronezh residents went to serve in the Presidential Regiment

Publication in CHAT: Russia

On Friday, June 28, in Voronezh, in the regional assembly hall, a farewell to the service of children conscripts who will spend the next year in the ranks of the legendary Kremlin Regiment took place. RIA Voronezh correspondents were present at the event and listened to those who will have to carry out this difficult and responsible mission, and those who once carried it out. A small Voronezh rally-concert was organized for the soldiers who will serve in some of the most responsible positions in the country. But the main thing was the parting words with which the guys were sent off. In our region, there is an entire organization, the Kremlin Union, uniting those who served in the Kremlin (Presidential) Regiment at different times. Many of its participants came today to share their memories and give advice to those who will follow in their footsteps, to be proud of belonging to our great city, “the birthplace of the Russian Navy,” – Alexander Novik, assistant to the head. The ceremonial part was opened by the head of the department for military-patriotic work and work with veterans of the military commissariat of the Voronezh region. Then similar words – about the need to worthily represent Voronezh at the most responsible level – were repeated more than once. Other speakers Among the creative performances, it is worth highlighting the performance of the honor guard detachment of the Voronezh Cadet School named after A.V. Suvorov. The guys with carbines in their hands showed the number “Techniques of fighting with weapons”, dedicated to the memory of the Pskov paratroopers who performed a feat on March 1, 2000. The performance was prepared according to the standard and traditions of the Presidential Regiment of the FSO of Russia, with which the cadets were introduced by a veteran of the 1st Regiment of the FSO of Russia. special security company of the Presidential Regiment, member of the council of the Voronezh “Union of Kremlin Guards” Alexey Korchagin Kremlin veterans said a few words to the young Kremlin guards. The head of the Voronezh regional department of the All-Russian Police Association, combat veteran Lieutenant Colonel Igor Polnikov, first of all, wanted to return alive and well and asked to write and call his parents as often as possible, as they would be very worried. This year, the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the PPS Regiment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Voronezh Andrei Pavlychev, also a combat veteran, recalled how he himself once “left this country to join the army”. ”, After serving in the army, he served in the navy, but in the turbulent 90s he was forced to leave the service and get a job in the police – Voronezh residents have always made their mark, have always been worthy soldiers and defenders, as we would like. I wish you health and good luck in your service, to be worthy of the Voronezh country and never leave a comrade in trouble,” said Andrei Pavlychev. Deputy Director for Military Training of the Voronezh Cadet School named after A.V. Suvorov veteran major Denis Ryzhkov noted that no Wherever you have to serve in the future, the heroes of today’s holiday will always be proud: on Voronezh soil it is enough to get all the knowledge, skills and abilities that the Armed Forces give, and when you return home, your friends and acquaintances are waiting for you. , your parents will look at you with pride. During this year, each of you will receive a new character – a heightened sense of justice. This is guaranteed to happen. Guys, be smarter. “Soon you will begin to hear this phrase very often,” said the chairman of the board of the public organization of Voronezh veterans of the Kremlin / Presidential Regiment “Kremlin Union”, member of the Public Chamber of the Voronezh Region Alexander Shakin. Recruits Alexander Petrovich also noted that the Kremlin community always supports its comrades – helps in difficult life situations, if this happens to someone. They are sure to support each other in finding a good job or in some everyday problems. He promised the young soldiers support in the form of recommendations for successful admission to military universities, if someone decides to choose a military career after serving in the army. A week ago, the guys called up last year returned from service in the Presidential Regiment, and further. That day, they also stopped at the district assembly point – to support those who are supposed to replace them – A year ago, we stood in the same line, and there was some kind of turmoil in our heads. We perfectly understand the whole range of your emotions right now. At that time, we did not yet fully understand the whole meaning of service in the presidential regiment. But now we can say with confidence: this time is one of the best in life,” Maxim Kuzmin and Yuri Litvinov shared with the demobilized recruits. – We wish that this year was unforgettable, that you discover new characters, new qualities. You need to strengthen your character. For each person, this will be individual. Every day you will face obstacles and difficulties. But everything will be forgotten, and here we are a week later, we remember nothing. To leave them, not lowering our heads. Before the start of the ceremonial part, we managed to talk to one of the recently minted Kremlin soldiers and his father: “It is a great honor for me to refuse military service in the Presidential Regiment. In my family, everyone served, it was like that from generation to generation. I understood it exactly like that. It was not easy to prepare for this, both physically and mentally. We also went through a thorough selection through the FSB. The first interview with a representative of the Presidential Regiment took place in February. And we were warned about this possibility even earlier. A month ago it became known that my chances of coming here are high. And this became known literally the day before yesterday. The first emotions? Of course, excitement,” one of the soldiers, Dmitry Ignatov from Novaya Usman, told us, the soldier’s father, Valery, noted that he was very proud of his son and, of course, was very worried at that stage, when it was not sure where he would ultimately serve. He himself served in the Air Defense Forces in the distant years of 1991-1993. And from his service experience, he says that the main thing is to listen to commanders. After the service, my son’s desire to enter a military university and follow this path was fully supported, and the ceremonial part ended with an Orthodox prayer service, which was led by the rector of the Church of St. George the Victorious, Father Andrey. who sprinkled the recruits with holy water. And at the march “Farewell to Slavyanka” the children went into a new, military life. Did you notice an error? Select it with your mouse and press Ctrl + Enter.

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