New July laws that Taganrozhan residents must know and comply with – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Every month, new laws appear in our country that our citizens must comply with or live by their canons. What does July have in store for us? The Don region will increase the contribution for major repairs The Governor of the Rostov Region Vasily Golubev signed a resolution to increase the minimum monthly contribution for major repairs in the region to 14.08 rubles. per square meter, increasing it by almost 12%. From July 1, the amount of the fee will increase. The contribution was last indexed in 2022 to 12.61 rubles. per square meter. Thus, the current increase will be 11.7%. Such measures have been taken for the first time since 2022. In the Rostov Region, housing and communal services will increase in price by an average of 10 percent for housing and communal services without a commission From today, beneficiaries will be exempted from the commission payment for housing and communal services. This category includes parents with many children, pensioners, disabled people, participants in hostilities, family members of deceased war veterans and participants in the Great Patriotic War. Repayment of deferred loans Bank loans can be repaid under new rules – first of all, this will affect debtors. According to the innovations that will come into force on July 1, borrowers will first pay off the interest on the loan, then reduce the loan itself. Finally, they will be paid penalties and fines. Now it is the other way around – if a person does not pay a loan payment on time, then he first pays fines and penalties, then the interest accrued for the payment period, and only lastly the loan itself. Return of stolen money from the bank. bank account There is a possibility that there will be fewer financial fraudsters. From July 25, all financial institutions and banks will be required to check suspicious transactions. If they see an obviously fraudulent transaction, they will have to suspend it for two days, even if the client agrees to the transfer. It is explained that the special database of the Bank of Russia already contains accounts of fraudsters and if a transfer is made to them, the bank will have to return them to the client. Criminal liability for anti-terrorist protection of facilities Criminal liability has been introduced for violating the requirements for anti-terrorist protection of facilities. If a person commits an offense multiple times within 180 days, he may face a criminal case and imprisonment for up to 7 years. A foreign passport costs 1 thousand rubles more. To obtain it, you will have to pay not 5, but 6 thousand rubles. A child’s passport (up to 14 years old) now costs three thousand rubles. The requirements for lawyers are increasing; they must have a special education. A specialist must be – they have mandatory education in the field of jurisprudence, legal science, law and order. An academic degree in this field is also allowed. In addition, admission to practice now requires two years of experience in the legal field or an internship as a lawyer. Strong alcohol will rise The cost of vodka will increase to 299 rubles per half-liter bottle (previously it was 281 rubles). The minimum price of 0.5 cognac will be 556 rubles. If it turns out that alcohol is sold at a reduced price, the violator faces a fine of 50 thousand rubles. A legal entity will have to pay a fine of 100 thousand rubles. L. Lyubina Earlier we wrote about apartment buildings in Taganrog: what they are and how to find them News 4714 on Bloknot-Taganrog

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