Malkov discussed the development of the Ryazan State Medical University and presented diplomas to students – News – of the city of Ryazan on the city website

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Malkov discussed the development of Ryazan State Medical University and presented diplomas to students. The events took place on June 28. The head of the region Pavel Malkov held a meeting on the development of Ryazan State Medical University. This was reported by the press service of the regional government. The Minister of Health of the Ryazan Region Alexander Pshennikov, the Minister of Economic Development of the region Andrey Vorfolomeyev, the rector of Ryazan State Medical University Roman Kalinin and representatives of the university were present. Before that, the head of the region got acquainted with the work of pharmacology. He visited the laboratory, where modern high-tech equipment is used to conduct research on the analysis of the concentration of drugs in biomaterials. Its employees participated in the launch of the first Russian drug for the treatment of Fabry disease on the pharmaceutical market. Currently, the department is developing approaches to predicting the development of drug interactions; the project is supported by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. The department received grants from the President of Russia and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, as well as more than 20 patents. The meeting discussed the development of scientific cooperation at the university and the implementation of the results of intellectual activity in practice. The Governor emphasized the high potential of the Ryazan State Medical University and gave a number of instructions to the Ministries of Health and Economic Development of the Ryazan Region. “The university’s developments should be applied in practice and benefit people. To do this, we organize interaction between the university and the region’s businesses to create prototypes and develop further production,” said Pavel Malkov. The expansion of the clinic was also discussed. The university’s base, its equipment, the creation of comfortable living conditions for students and international cooperation of the Ryazan State Medical University also took part in the graduation of graduates of the Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University. More than 60 young specialists received university diplomas. : paramedics, nurses. Ten of them graduated with honors. Pavel Malkov emphasized the high quality of education provided at the university: “It is very prestigious to receive a diploma from the Ryazan Medical University. Many outstanding people, entire dynasties of doctors studied here. Today the university is developing, is included in the best ratings and has good prospects. The best teachers are here. Not only theorists, but also practitioners who also keep up with the times. Excellent material base, which is constantly updated. Scientific schools and active social life. It is not surprising that more than 90% of graduates work in their specialty,” said the head of the region. The governor noted the importance of young employees coming to medical institutions of the Ryazan region. Among this year’s graduates are more than a hundred destination specialists who will work in the region. Malkov emphasized that the development of healthcare is his personal priority. New large institutions and rural medical centers are being built in the region, modern equipment is being purchased, and the vehicle fleet is being updated. All this work will certainly continue systematically, the governor assured.

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