Vyacheslav Fedorishchev met with the director of the Samara Regional Blood Transfusion Station

Posting in CHAT: Russia

28.06.2024 21:40 SAMARA. JUNE 28. LATEST NEWS. Print version If you find an error in the text, select it and press CTR+Enter On Friday, June 28, Acting Governor of the Samara Region Vyacheslav Fedorishchev held a working meeting with the Director of the Samara Regional Clinical Blood Transfusion Station Sergei Kuznetsov. The parties discussed current issues of the station’s activities, as well as work with donors. Photo: Press Service of the Government of the Samara Region “Your work is very important, ensuring the most important health care function, and at the same time, a lot of work is still being done to attract residents of the region to voluntarily donate blood. It is important to see how the work is organized, where it is necessary to strengthen the authority,” the head of the blood transfusion department said. According to Sergey Kuznetsov, the Samara Blood Transfusion Station is one of the ten largest in the country in terms of the volume of collected blood and its components. More than 40 thousand liters of blood have been collected here. Two sections of the station are located in Tolyatti and Syzran. The number of medical personnel is 50 people, including 27 blood transfusion specialists, 16 clinical laboratory diagnostics doctors. A lot of work is being done to inform the population about the importance of donation. Every year, 5-7 thousand people become major donors; According to Sergey Kuznetsov, last year 28 thousand 553 donors donated blood. An influx of new donors is constantly needed to increase the number of blood and its components donations and maintain donor potential at a good level to provide the region with blood and its components in full. The head of the station noted that donation in the region is free. A person donating blood or its components has the right to monetary compensation in the amount of 5% of the subsistence minimum established in the region. “Last year it was 736 rubles. Now it is 788 rubles,” he said. Vyacheslav Fedorishchev proposed to consider, together with the regional Ministry of Health, the possibility of increasing the region’s compensation payment to 1,000 rubles. Also discussed during the meeting were issues of upgrading the station’s equipment and repairing the site. Latest news

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