what will happen to the market after the cancellation of preferential mortgage programs – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Starting June 21, Sber will stop accepting applications and registering mortgage transactions with state support. This was reported by the press service of the credit institution. “Evening Moscow” learned from mortgage broker Dmitry Rakuta how this situation will affect the real estate market and preferential programs. As the speaker said, almost all banks have already suspended the submission of documents and the issuance of mortgage loans under state support, including signatures. . loan agreements. — Unfortunately, if a person has not completed a transaction before a certain date specified by the bank, then it will be impossible to extend this decision. That is, our state support ends and is closed irrevocably. The same applies to other programs,” explained lawyer Rakuta: for family mortgages, until June 30 of this year, some banks continue to issue loans on mortgage terms. But after this date, most likely, conditions will change, including with regard to state support and family mortgages. Most likely, IT changes will also come, because some banks themselves have suspended issuing transactions, but they continue. accept applications. It is also surprising that the limits have expired even for those preferential programs under which family and IT mortgages were extended. Therefore, the state program is closed, and there may also be changes in the Far Eastern and Arctic programs,” the expert said. Everything will depend on what happens on the market, how the situation with developers, banks will develop and how the real estate market as a whole will feel, the broker concluded by publishing in full. And for approved applications, where the loan agreement has not yet been signed, but there is a record of the transaction, loans will be issued until June 24.

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