Three educational facilities will be built in Golyanovo under the renovation program – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

One of the significant goals of the renovation program is to create a new quality urban environment, balanced, including providing the territory with important social infrastructure. According to Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Policy and Urban Development Vladimir Efimov, three facilities related to the social sphere will be built in the Golyanovo district, which is located in the Eastern Administrative District of the capital. “The renovation program is socially oriented. The city is faced with the task of providing new residents not only with high-quality housing, but also with all the necessary infrastructure. As part of the program, new educational, healthcare, cultural facilities and sports and entertainment complexes will appear. Thus, according to the Target Investment Program approved for 2023-2026, three social facilities are planned to be built in the Golyanovo district, including two educational complexes for 2.7 thousand places,” the Deputy Mayor of Moscow emphasized. Head of the Department of Urban Development Policy of the capital Sergei Levkin reported that at the moment two new buildings have been commissioned in Golyanovo. They are located on Shchyolkovskoye Highway and Bela Kuna Square. More than 340 families have successfully moved into new housing. Previously, they lived in six old houses. In addition, another residential complex on Amurskaya Street is already ready. New residents will move in soon. Head of the Moscow City Construction Department Rafik Zagrutdinov noted that the design and development of urban planning documentation for three educational facilities in the Golyanovo district is currently underway. “All new schools in Moscow are designed according to a new standard: with spacious premises, mass media, large spaces for design work and communication, universal and specialized classes equipped with modern equipment, recreation areas, landscaped areas around the buildings,” listed the head. . Moscow City Construction Department. Let us recall that earlier Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Policy and Urban Development Vladimir Efimov said that the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow is the leader in housing construction under the renovation program. Since the beginning of its implementation, 44 new buildings with an area of ​​almost 740 thousand square meters have been built here. Currently, another 42 buildings with an area of ​​about 830 thousand square meters are under construction and more than a million square meters are being designed in 53 complexes. The total volume of housing built in the Eastern Administrative District will allow resettling about 95 thousand city residents. New apartments are provided to Muscovites with finished and improved finishing. It fully complies with the standards of the renovation program approved by the City Council. The first floors of high-rise buildings become non-residential. There are vestibules, elevator halls, duty areas, storage rooms for cleaning equipment, technical rooms and mailboxes. Also on the first floors there are shops, cafes, beauty salons, sports sections, clubs and sections for children. In total, within the framework of the renovation program, new housing will be received by residents of 1062 buildings in the Eastern Administrative District. About 210 thousand citizens live in them. According to the terms of the renovation program, Muscovites are allocated apartments in their usual places: they are located near their previous place of residence. Citizens receive apartments with finished finishing. At the time of moving, plumbing and other equipment necessary for comfortable living were installed there. The government is also concerned with “external” improvement: people move to areas with a developed urban environment. For example, grocery stores are required to operate in new buildings, enterprises specializing in various service areas operate for residents, public transport is launched, utilities, playgrounds, entertainment areas and other spaces for rest and leisure are opened. Parking spaces are also located next to the houses. The apartments that city residents receive in exchange for old housing are completely ready for occupancy and have an improved level of completion. The number of rooms in new buildings is the same as in the old apartment, and the living space is often larger. The renovation program is the largest urban development project in the capital. It was approved by the capital’s mayor Sergei Sobyanin in August 2017. At the moment, it already includes 5,176 houses, in which about a million Muscovites live. All of them will receive apartments in modern new buildings to replace their outdated housing. Last year alone, 59 new buildings were commissioned for occupancy in the city, and more than 47 thousand people were resettled. Earlier, Sergei Sobyanin ordered to double the pace of implementation of the renovation program. Information about the program can be found on the official portal of the government and the mayor of Moscow. Experts note that Moscow is the leader among other regions of our country in terms of the pace and volume of construction. Over the past five years, within the framework of the regional project “Housing” of the national project “Housing and Urban Environment”, the volume of construction and commissioning of residential buildings in the capital has doubled – from three million to five to seven million. . square meters per year.

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