Volodin spoke about the laws coming into force in July in the housing and communal services and banking sectors

Posting in CHAT: Russia

In July, a number of new laws in the housing and utilities sector and banking will come into force. State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin said that “parents with many children, pensioners, disabled people and war veterans will be exempt from bank fees when paying for housing and utilities. (…) The decision will affect those who need it.” social support and will reduce the financial burden on these categories of citizens,” the deputy wrote in his Telegram channel. Also, from July 1, they will begin to issue digital passports for Russian industrial products. At the beginning of next month, the procedure for repaying debts to banks for Russians who find themselves in a difficult financial situation will change. So, first you will need to pay interest on the loan, and lastly, you can pay penalties and fines. In addition, an out-of-court bankruptcy procedure will be carried out. In Russia, they will simplify – certificates will be required through an interdepartmental electronic interactive system. From July 1, banks and insurance companies will have to respond to complaints within 15 days, Volodin added, the period for conducting enforcement procedures to collect debts without disputes. , will be reduced from two months to three days. In addition, from July 25, banks will begin to monitor suspicious transactions and, if necessary, delay them for two days even if the client agrees to the transfer. On June 26, the State Duma adopted in the second and third readings a bill returning the pension index to working pensioners. According to State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin, the decision will affect 7.87 million people. The politician emphasized that the Russian economy has adapted to the challenges and is showing steady growth, State Duma deputies also proposed amendments to the law “On Insurance Pensions”. They assume that working pensioners may not receive payments that have not been accrued to them since 2016. However, State Duma deputy Andrei Isaev explained that the amount lost over eight years will not disappear without a trace.

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