Police seize large amount of marijuana from Voronezh Region resident

Publication in CHAT: Russia

In the Kashira district, police seized 1,653 grams of marijuana from a 46-year-old local resident. The drug was found in the attic of the suspect’s home after a search. The crushed substance was stored in cardboard and plastic boxes. This was reported to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Voronezh Region on Thursday, June 27. The man admitted to the police that last summer he found wild hemp near his house and stored it for his own use. Opened under Part 2 of Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illegal possession of narcotic substances on a large scale). The maximum penalty provided for in the article is 10 years in prison. A preventive measure was chosen against the suspect in the form of a written undertaking not to leave the place and corresponding behavior. It was previously known that the head of a drug laboratory located in the village of Medovka, Ramonsky district, and two of his acquaintances. who participated in the serial production of drugs will appear in court. In addition, the prosecutor’s office also approved charges against two more members of the criminal group – a loan shark and a courier. Read more in the material of RIA Voronezh. Did you notice the error? Select it with the mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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