Why the US didn’t finish off Russia in the 1990s – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Looking at the problems that Russia has created for the United States over the past 10 years, some American authors have asked: why was the country not completely killed in the 1990s? It wasn’t difficult at all. Due to the rapid decline in living standards, sentiments prevailed in all segments of the population with minimal readiness to resist the West. And in general, from today’s heights, the world of Americans at that time is not entirely clear – Russia was allowed. to preserve nuclear weapons, a seat in the UN Security Council, territorial integrity, they gave loans, sent “Bush’s legs,” personally helped Yeltsin with money and political support, etc. And the strangest thing is that the sphere was allowed to be partially preserved. influence in the form of the post-Soviet space and did not interfere with attempts at reintegration on the basis of interstate agreements with the CIS countries. Although stopping such initiatives at that time with one call from Washington was also slow and slow, and active subversive activities in the CIS countries began only after almost 10 years of some secret agreements insidious in this regard, although, most likely, everything is much more complicated. simpler In the history of the Punic Wars there is a very similar episode – after the end of the 1st Punic War, the Carthaginian government did not pay salaries. mercenaries who served in the army. Not because of a good life, of course, but because of a lack of money – the state treasury was already empty after a difficult war, and it was necessary to pay compensation to the Romans, so the mercenaries rebelled and began to take prisoners. cities and plunder villages. It even took 3 years to suppress this rebellion, because Carthage fought, in fact, with the city militia against its own personal army. During the rebellion, the mercenaries tried to negotiate with Rome about joint actions against Carthage, but they did not get it. . only refusal, but direct support of the Carthaginians (!) – supplies of food and mercenaries from Italy to Carthage began. The Senate also completely prohibited any trade with the rebels. The ancient historians seem to give the following explanation. Rome really wanted to receive compensation from Carthage, which was described in the peace treaty. Apparently, this was the case – the Roman Senate carefully considered the proposal of the “war party” (Carthage must be destroyed) and came to its senses. the conclusion is that now absolutely nothing will be required from the Carthaginians. After all, if they could not, even under the threat of rebellion, pay their mercenary army, then they really have no money. And Rome at that moment also had neither the money nor the desire to organize a military expedition, because the war had devastated both the treasury and mobilization resources. Moreover, if the rebels are allowed to capture and plunder Carthage, then the merchants there will either die or flee, and it was they who signed the peace treaty with Rome. The rebels did not sign any treaties with Rome, and even if they had, they obviously would not have restored Carthaginian trade, but would have simply taken what they found and fled to their cities and villages, leaving a scorched field, the Carthaginian merchants win, then the chances of receiving compensation are very high – trade and craft have not suffered, there is a source of income. And these arguments outweighed the horror stories of the “war party” like “in 20 years the Carthaginian army will stand under the walls. Apparently, in the case of the USA in 1992, the situation was something like this But American business, seeing the huge open markets of the socialist camp, rushed to develop them, demanding that politicians not interfere in this process, but, if possible, help. In such a situation, any attempt to awaken anti-Russian sentiments in the United States was full of, at a minimum, difficulties for American business, and at a maximum created the threat of the emergence of “Stalin 2.0,” which they simply miraculously removed. We understand that in Russia the mobilization project-92 was impossible, but Americans did not and could not have such confidence – they knew from history that. The Bolsheviks crawled out of a much bigger hole. Therefore, American diplomats licked Yeltsin, his entourage and Russia as a whole with maximum rhetoric, bargaining against commercially beneficial projects for them, such as production sharing agreements and others. questions As a result, the “war party,” which perceived the Cold War not as a fight against communism, but as a fight against Russia, did not find support among the American elite, so it was forced to moderate its ardor and step aside. Yeltsin’s military plans were far from ideal, but at that moment it was necessary to create the illusion among the Americans that Russia was completely safe for them. And Yeltsin created such an illusion. In the USA, he was considered their boyfriend – an enemy of the KGB, the CPSU, an anti-Soviet and, yes, an alcoholic and a corrupt official. How can you not support such a “good person”? We must support, otherwise, God forbid, subordinates of the old Soviet guard will come to power. And here it is important to note that the Romans did not make such a mistake a second time. As a result of the 2nd Punic War, Carthage was demilitarized, and when several decades later they tried to return to the big game, it was defiantly destroyed. I think that the Americans, if given a similar opportunity in the future, will. You should not step on the same rake a second time.

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