In Samara on Stavropolsky Street a tram caught fire – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

06/27/2024 20:18 SAMARA. JUNE 27. LATEST NEWS. Read: 130 Print version If you find an error in the text, select it and press CTR + Enter On Thursday, June 27, in Samara at about 19:00 at the intersection of Stavropolskaya and Voronezhskaya streets, a tram caught fire. According to eyewitnesses, the second car of tram #13, heading towards the city, began to smoke. Photo: provided by an eyewitness According to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a short circuit occurred in the tram while it was moving, after which the gas pedal burned out. There were no casualties. Two fire trucks arrived at the scene. The floors in the car were doused with water. Latest news

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