Poland announced a possible freeze on payments to Gazprom – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Polish energy company Orlen has notified three European corporations from Austria, Slovakia and Hungary that their payments to Gazprom may be frozen. These companies import Russian gas. This was reported by Reuters citing its own sources. It is explained that the written warnings are due to claims for compensation for damages suffered by Poland after the loss of Russian gas supplies in 2022. Orlen representatives added that they are still arguing with Gazprom about a long-term contract, as follows from the material. In May, Russian and Polish pipeline operators, Transneft and PERN, agreed to continue the transit of Kazakh oil to Germany. In June it was reported that the authorities of the European Union and the governments of European countries are negotiating with the Ukrainian side to extend the agreement, according to which Russian gas will be transferred to the EU countries through Ukraine until 2025. In the same year, the German energy concern Uniper announced the termination of a long-term gas contract with Gazprom Export.

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