The story of a mother of three children who survived leg amputation and betrayal by her husband. And then she found love and became a champion – June 24, 2024

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Ekaterina Kupriyanova coped with all the tasks. Now she has love, a new job… and a prosthesis Source: Ekaterina Kupriyanova’s archive “It was hospital hell,” Ekaterina Kupriyanova from Samara recalls the months spent in medical institutions, dozens of operations and blood transfusions. Six years ago, a young mother lost her leg, survived her husband’s betrayal, learned to walk again, drive a car, and three months after the amputation returned to work… The resilient red-haired beast told our colleagues from 63.RU about this. how she won the Eurasian powerlifting championship, won titles in sword fencing and sports knife throwing, got married for the second time, became a mother of many children and managed to climb the career ladder – using a prosthesis and high-heeled shoes. Source: Alexey Noginsky/63.RU A mother of two children arrived in a hospital bed straight from the trampoline center. There, in mid-June 2018, Katya celebrated her birthday with family and friends. Source: archive of Ekaterina Kupriyanova – Trampoline jumping. I failed miserably. Severe sharp pain. They thought it was a dislocation,” the girl describes the events of that day in intermittent, dotted sentences. – It was Friday evening. When they brought me to the hospital, it turned out that there were no places in the trauma department. The leg was bandaged in plaster. I was admitted to otolaryngology. On weekends, only doctors were on duty. It’s just a combination of factors. By Monday the consequences were already irreversible. The doctors who came to work examined me and told my colleagues right in front of me: “Take her away, otherwise she will die with us.” Our film crew managed to intercept Ekaterina for an interview at the Samara championship in sports knife throwing Source: Roman Danilkin / 63.RU So Ekaterina was transported to another hospital. It turned out that the girl had damaged blood vessels in her leg. She underwent a complex, hours-long operation. But all the manipulations of an experienced surgeon could not correct the situation – I was given epidural anesthesia (a type of local anesthesia in which the patient remains conscious during the operation. – Ed.). I remember watching football with the doctor during surgery. Then we just had the World Championship,” says Ekaterina. – And then the operations followed one after another: necrosis – cleaning, necrosis – cleaning. I had wonderful doctors. They really tried to save my leg and didn’t give up on me. Until the very end we believed that it would work. I lay in intensive care for a very long time; I could only open and close my eyes, and even then with difficulty. When I was warned about the amputation, I just nodded. She didn’t specify anything at all. It didn’t matter anymore. The doctor said: “It is necessary,” which means it is necessary. Since everything was really very serious, sepsis developed several times, which was extinguished by periodic blood transfusions. It was a long and difficult process: from mid-June to mid-August. I, my family, my children lived in this. Now I understand that it was certainly hell, hospital hell. After the amputation, I came to the clinic to see a traumatologist. His office is on the second floor, there is no elevator. I remember standing and just watching people go up and down the stairs with ease and joy. It seemed to me that I would never be able to do this Source: Roman Danilkin / 63.RU Ekaterina admits that when she woke up after the operation, the most difficult thing was to throw back the blanket: “I didn’t do it. understand the level of amputation. It seemed that my knee would remain. And it was a shock that there were very few legs. The doctors later explained that there was necrosis and everything had to be cleaned; Katya’s daughter, son and parents helped her survive all the horror and not break down. But the husband was in a hurry to ask for a divorce. The children were small then. We didn’t know that this whole illness would last so long. I’ll deal with this and everything will be as before. And, of course, it was never the same. When my son and daughter came to my room after the amputation, I was very worried about how they would see me like this. It turned out that for the children it doesn’t matter how many legs I have,” smiles the young mother. Ekaterina had to quickly learn to walk on crutches and work – she needed to feed the children something: Roman Danilkin / 63.RU— I was bedridden for a long time sick. When they told me to take my crutches and go to the dressing room (which is right next to the hospital room), I panicked. I didn’t get up. Plus, it’s incredibly painful. But the doctor insisted that I do it myself. And barely, trembling like a wet mouse, I went out into the corridor. I saw people running on crutches! I thought I would never be able to walk on them that fast. Now these thoughts seem so stupid. A person can learn anything. At the hospital they helped me master crutches and taught me how to go up and down stairs. It would seem such a small thing. But I didn’t have this important skill,” says Katya Source: Roman Danilkin/63.RU Just three months after the amputation, in November 2018, Ekaterina returned to the company’s office. I didn’t have a prosthesis then, I walked on a walker. Thanks to the bandages, the stump has not yet healed; And a colleague with whom I communicated quite closely (at that time I had already worked there for 10 years) asked: “Have you come to write a letter of resignation?” I was shocked! I couldn’t imagine that there could be such a reaction. Amputation does not in any way interfere with intellectual work. Apparently, the person simply turned the situation on himself and thought that in this case he would give up,” says Katya. – But then, on the contrary, a certain sporting anger awoke in me Source: Roman Danilkin/63.RU Partly, this healthy feeling helped the girl learn to walk on a prosthesis: – Before receiving the first prosthesis, they told me: “Be patient a little, there will be a prosthesis – and you will continue to walk.” And this was the main disappointment, because I could not walk like before. It was incredibly painful and unpleasant. The prosthesis was on leather straps that were attached to me. And even to go to the toilet, I had to completely loosen everything and then fasten it again. The prosthesis was imperfect, and I was a difficult primary patient and, of course, did everything wrong. While walking, she threw her leg out and tried to straighten it. Flexible and easy walking was out of the question – it was difficult to withstand an 8-hour working day on a prosthesis. At first I was very embarrassed to take it off. But since most of the time I sat at the computer, when it became completely unbearable, I started filming and putting my “foot” next to it. Fortunately, now I have a prosthesis that does not need to be removed Source: Roman Danilkin / 63.RU After Ekaterina got used to the prosthesis, she hired a driving instructor – it’s very important to just keep up. pick up children from school and kindergarten and take them to clubs – I got my license at the age of 18. But I’ve never driven a car. Then I had a teacher who cursed all the time. According to him, a woman driving is like a monkey with a grenade, and I’m generally stupid and will never be able to drive a car. So, I passed my license, but immediately gave it up and never drove again. It seemed to me that this was for some superintelligence, and not for me. But because of the situation with my leg, I had to remember all my abilities. This time I had a wonderful teacher. His program is designed for a person to master driving in a week. Of course, I didn’t believe that I could do it either. But I took a vacation for 7 days and from early morning until late evening he and I traveled out of town and around the city. We have trained parking and all possible intersections. And indeed, a week later I came to work by car, it was amazing! — I have a car with an automatic transmission. Two legs are not needed here. My grandfather gave me a car. He rode along Kopeyka all his life, and for his 80th birthday, his dad gave him a Hyundai. When my grandfather got behind the wheel, he commented: “This is a car for a disabled person. Why did you buy it for me?” And it’s so funny that a few years later they gave me a car, my grandfather’s prophecy came true. Source: Archive of Ekaterina Kupriyanova showed herself capable of great sports. The girl is the champion of Eurasia in powerlifting. She has also won several titles in modern sword fighting. The first sport she took up was modern sword fighting, and sword fighting turned out to be the best rehabilitation for it, I was able to pass the baton and won. my first medals and cups. Last year I was the Russian champion, but this year I only took second place,” explains Ekaterina Kupriyanova. — The same friend introduced me to the head of the knife throwing federation, a wonderful person. Multiple world champion Andrei Vladimirovich Yakovlev is so passionate about his work that it is impossible not to fall in love with this sport. In my personal opinion, the results in knife throwing are not the best yet, but I’m trying. I like the process, the rehabilitation opportunities for my disability group, and most importantly, the people nearby. We now have a whole separate category in the federation. This is a team of children with disabilities. I asked them to see me. Once in my youth I was involved in strength sports and, seeing the achievements of children, I decided to try my own strength. I’m the only woman on their team so far. I have never felt such moral support in my life as I did from Strong Link, it’s amazing. Usually I am completely self-organized, and there are no problems with motivation. But when there is strong support, it is worth a lot! It’s valuable to know that you are not alone and that they sincerely believe in you and wish you success,” says the athlete. Source: archive of Ekaterina Kupriyanova Katya’s emotional wounds were healed by meeting her second husband. The couple saw each other on the app “Alexandra was not embarrassed by either my disability or the presence of two children. He lived in the Ulyanovsk region and just came to the first meeting. Many Samara residents don’t even want to move from one City district to another because of traffic jams,” Ekaterina is surprised. “And he came on a date and asked me to dance.” It turns out that you can wear high-heeled shoes with a prosthesis. You just need to adjust its height correctly. Source: archive of Ekaterina Kupriyanova – My husband is a physicist, now studying at a gymnasium, working as a teacher. Incredibly in love with his specialty. It was his example that prompted me to engage in activities that bring not only financial income, but also satisfaction. I feel like what I’m doing now is my purpose. Source: archive of Ekaterina Kupriyanova Source: archive of Ekaterina Kupriyanova. True, after the wedding he planned to transport his wife and children to their homeland. But the couple decided that a sudden change of place of residence and school was not the best option for teenagers, so a new unit of society settled in Samara. And soon Katya became a mother for the third time. The couple had a wonderful daughter Source: archive of Ekaterina Kupriyanova This winter, another important event happened in Ekaterina’s life – she decided to radically change her field of activity. Now Ekaterina Kupriyanova is deputy director of the prosthetic and orthopedic company OPORA. She recently retrained and received a diploma in adaptive sports education and sports coaching and leads a football team of players with (non)disabilities. The Wings of Dreams teams also have their OWN members. Source: Archive of Ekaterina Kupriyanova—. I would never choose what happened to me in the beginning,” says Katya. “But I can choose how to live after the injury, and I really like what’s happening, and most importantly, the people who are around me.”

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