The City Code project will open at the Museum of Architecture on July 6 – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The interdisciplinary project “City Code” will open at the A.V. Shchusev State Research Museum of Architecture on July 6. This was reported to Vechernyaya Moskva by the press service of the event on Thursday, July 4. “City Code” is a special project of the Moscow International Biennale of Contemporary Art in collaboration with the A.V. Shchusev State Research Museum of Architecture, the Donetsk Republican Museum of Local History, the Far Eastern Federal University and the Institute of Design of the Russian State University. Kosygin University The project has three floors, five curators, 17 authors and 80 works. The exhibition begins with the historical part, where early Russian cities are presented in the format of an educational center. The second part is a photo exhibition with photographs of 12 Russian cities. They are not captioned and visitors are asked to guess for themselves which city they see in the photograph. The exhibition ends with a visualization of Russian cities of the future. With the help of artificial intelligence, it was prepared by two students from different parts of the country – from Moscow and Vladivostok. In addition to the exhibition itself, various educational events were prepared for visitors to the Figita exhibition. Modern design and traditions. According to the organizers, it creates a unique parallel between the natural origin of physical matter in art objects and the virtual world of ultra-technological exhibition halls.

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