All-Russian Family Parade to Take Place in Samara – Russia Today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

04.07.2024 17:33 SAMARA. JULY 4. LATEST NEWS. Read: 91 Print version If you find an error in the text, select it and press CTR+Enter On Monday, July 8, on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, the All-Russian Family Parade will be held in Samara. The organizers of the Family Parade are the All-Russian public movement “Family” and the All-Russian program “In the Family Circle”. The All-Russian Family Parade is held as a public initiative supported by the state and church authorities of the country with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus’. In Samara, the festive events will be held on July 8 in the Cyril and Methodius Cathedral (260 Novo-Sadovaya St.). The regional organizers of the Family Parade were the Samara Diocese, the Union of Orthodox Women, the World Russian People’s Council, the ROO “Union of Large Families of the Samara Region”, the SOOO for the support of family and childhood “Together”, the public associations “Russian Community. Samara” and “Kvardek Sorokov”. The program includes a prayer service to the holy faithful princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom, a religious procession, a festive concert, refreshments, Russian folk entertainment, master classes and games for children. The holiday will begin at 18:00. Latest news

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