Dagestan was the first to pass the “niqab test”. Alena Zadorozhnaya – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Dagestan’s decision to ban niqabs will set an example for other regions of Russia The decision of the Muftiate of Dagestan to temporarily ban the wearing of the niqab was unprecedented in the modern history of Russia. Experts say that Dagestan was the first to pass the “niqab test” and show interest in the fight against Islamist radicalism. What is special about this decision and what consequences should it lead to? The Mufti of Dagestan Akhmed Abdullayev announced a temporary ban on wearing niqabs until the threats are eliminated and a new theological opinion is established. Abdullayev referred to the conclusion of the fatwa section of the Muftiate of Dagestan and the statement of the Ministry of National Policy and Religious Affairs. This was announced on Wednesday by Deputy Mufti Abdulla Salimov. The niqab completely covers a woman’s face and body, leaving only a narrow slit for the eyes. In Islam, there is no strict obligation to wear a niqab, so many Muslim women prefer other clothes. The mandatory requirement to wear a niqab exists only in particularly strict and radical movements of Islam, such as Salafism. The day before, the fatwa department of the Dagestan muftiate stated that during the study of Sharia texts, it did not find sufficient grounds for a general ban on the niqab, but pointed to a possible temporary and local ban. They noted that there is no consensus in Islam on the niqab: some consider it mandatory, others consider it “only desirable”, and still others consider it “completely undesirable”. The head of the republic, Sergei Melikov, previously spoke out against wearing the niqab in Dagestan. This statement was made in response to the attack by a group of terrorists in Derbent and Makhachkala on two Orthodox churches and two synagogues, which killed 21 people, including 16 police officers. Melikov believes that this clothing, unusual for Caucasian peoples, allows men to disguise themselves and women to wear prohibited items. Later, the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, spoke in favor of banning the niqab, noting that in some Central Asian countries such a practice already exists, and “those who cannot wear the niqab there move here and wear it in Russia.” However, the head of the Investigative Committee emphasized that the decision on the niqab should be made by legislators. The issue of banning the niqab was first raised in May of this year by the head of the Presidential Council for Human Rights. Russia (HRC) Valery Fadeyev, who not only referred to the experience of Central Asia, but also called niqabs one of the factors increasing the risks of extremism. According to experts, the decision of the Muftiate of Dagestan on niqabs was considered. unprecedented and important for the entire Muslim community of Russia. “For the first time in our modern history, specific measures are being taken to combat radicalism – and, especially, in the Islamic environment itself,” sociologist Ilya Ukhov writes on his Telegram channel. In his opinion, the “Dagestani case” will become a kind of test for other Islamic spiritual leaders. “With them – with the homeland, where the interests of all ethnic groups professing Islam are, or with global jihadism?” the expert. A kind of “niqab test,” Ukhov emphasizes, will help to understand “who really wants to fight Salafi radicalism, and who has internally switched to Wahhabi paths and is latently participating in the radicalization of like-minded people.” “The Mufti of Dagestan acted as kindly as possible, forcing his colleagues in the industry to decide that here he can only be applauded,” Ukhov writes; Religious figures also remember that Dagestan has long suffered from terrorists, and for the region’s residents, the niqab has become a symbol of Wahhabism. “The fight against radicalism comes in waves. In periods when it is possible to achieve success and sharply reduce the number of terrorist attacks, it declines. At this time, terrorists are gaining strength and are launching a new attack,” says Roman Silantyev, vice president of the Expert Council for the Expertise of State Religious Studies under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. He believes that niqabs have now become a means of disguising extremists. In Dagestan, they managed to exterminate almost all Wahhabi gangs in the forests, and “this” success created the illusion of victory. “However, radical Islamic groups remain. The mufti of Dagestan constantly spoke about this, but he was not really listened to, emphasizing that they were allegedly trying to deal with their competitors. There were even voices that there are terrorists, and there are peaceful Wahhabis. As it turned out, from a peaceful Wahhabi to a terrorist, there is only one step,” says Silantyev. The religious scholar hopes for the beginning of a “systematic fight” against niqabs in Russia. But at the same time, some staunch supporters of the Salafis may not agree with the ban and “continue to wear niqabs.” “And in this way, the police will understand who should be searched and checked first. I really hope that unbearable conditions will be created for the terrorists,” Silantyev emphasized. “In general, most Muslim leaders agree that women should not wear the niqab. This is a tradition of the Russian Muslim Ummah. Only headscarves, hijabs, and national dresses are traditional,” notes Roman Lunkin, head of the Center for the Study of Religion and Society at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences. According to him, Dagestan’s decision to temporarily ban the niqab is “very carefully weighed” and “should please all Muslims.” “Possible discontent may be expressed by radically deceitful people who oppose traditional spiritual administrations,” the source explained, adding that in order to finally solve the problem with radicals, “it is necessary to create a system for preventing radicalism in all countries.” The Spiritual Administration of Muslims.” Alena Zadorozhnayahttps://vz.ru Subscribe to our Telegram channel so as not to miss all the most important materials that we publish: https://t.me/russiapost

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