What can a seagull eat? – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Sometimes you have no idea what certain animals eat… And recently a resident of the Isle of Man spotted a seagull that had caught a large rat. The bird couldn’t swallow it whole, so it threw the dead animal to the ground, crushing its flesh and bones with its beak. This went on for about six minutes, and then, having given the rat a “cutlet”, the seagull began to eat. There are a huge number of rats on the Isle of Man, and locals, out of superstition, call them “long-tailed”, avoiding the direct name. The fact that seagulls can help in the fight against rodents pleases people, but on the other hand, they suspect that the birds are also responsible for the disappearance of rabbits and ducklings. . including rodents, chicks of other birds, and, finally, food waste. In the video, another seagull caught a rodent (albeit a much smaller one).

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