Former head of JSC Intercross to be sentenced in Ryazan – News – of the city of Ryazan on the city website

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The former head of JSC Intercross will be sentenced in Ryazan The investigation established that from November 2023 to February 2024, he did not pay salaries to 131 employees. The amount of debt was more than 20 million rubles. The former head of JSC Intercross will be sentenced in Ryazan. This was reported by the regional Investigative Committee of Russia. The former head of the company is accused of non-payment of wages to 131 employees of the company in the amount of more than 20 million rubles. The case was opened on March 20 based on the personal confession of the company’s employees by the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Ryazan Region Vladimir Nikeshkin about payments to employees and the availability of financial resources and the real possibility of paying them off, did not pay salaries for the period from November 2023 to February 2024, the salaries of 131 employees amounted to more than 20 million rubles, the salary demands were paid by the current head of JSC Intercross. The indictment has been approved in the case. The materials have been sent to the court for consideration.

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