A storm warning has been extended in the Voronezh Region due to extreme heat.

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Forecasters have extended the storm warning issued in the Voronezh Region due to extreme heat. This dangerous weather phenomenon is expected in the region in the afternoon on Friday, July 5. The maximum air temperature may reach +36 degrees, the regional hydrometeorological center reports. According to RIA Voronezh, the region is currently under the constant influence of an anticyclone. Yesterday, July 3, a new temperature was already recorded in the capital of the Black Earth Region – the thermometer rose above +35 degrees. In the regional center, watering of roads and public areas has increased. Landscaping equipment is operating in all areas of the city. An additional effect of watering cools the road. This is intended to protect the road surface from deformation at high temperatures. More details in the RIA Voronezh article According to the regional headquarters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the penultimate class of fire hazard – high – has already been established in six municipalities of the Voronezh Region. From Saturday, July 6, a ban on staying in forests is planned to be introduced in the region. The restriction is expected to remain in effect until July 26 inclusive. – There is a special fire regime in the region! Bonfires are strictly prohibited! – the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Voronezh Region reminded residents of the region. Have you spotted an error? Select it with your mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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