Residents of Voronezh were told where to complain about the suffocating chemical smell in the city

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The regional Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology took control of the climate in Voronezh after the media and social networks reported the appearance of an unpleasant chemical smell in different areas of the city. As reported by the department on Wednesday, July 3 evening, the Ministry of Natural Resources has not yet received official appeals from residents on this matter. For a prompt response, Voronezh residents were advised to call the ministry’s duty phone number if a strong chemical smell appears: 8 903 652 86 96. The day before, residents of different areas of Voronezh complained on social networks about a strong, suffocating smell of burnt rubber. . According to city residents, the smell appeared on the evening of Tuesday, July 2, and did not disappear all night on July 3, intensifying when the wind changed direction and blew from the left bank. City residents had noticed the chemical smell for several days. before. On July 2, the Voronezh mayor’s office commented on the message and noted that no emergency situations were registered at chemically hazardous production facilities. RIA Voronezh wrote that complaints about a suffocating odor were received by the Unified Duty Dispatch Service, but the task force’s visits with special equipment did not reveal any concentrations of pollutants. The procedure for monitoring atmospheric air in the area of ​​water treatment facilities. Yesterday, July 3, during an on-site inspection in the area of ​​water treatment facilities, no foreign odor was detected. – Specialists took and analyzed 13 samples of atmospheric air for the content of pollutants: benzene, methane, methylbenzene, carbon monoxide, ethenylbenzene, nitrogen dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methanethiol, sulfur dioxide, formaldehyde, ozone, nitrogen oxide. The content of controlled substances did not exceed the maximum permissible level, the department reported, and air samples will be taken for analysis daily, the regional Ministry of Natural Resources noted. Did you notice an error? Select it with your mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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