General Popov accused of official forgery – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Military investigators have brought final charges against the former commander of the 58th Army, Major General Ivan Popov, who was arrested for especially large-scale fraud. The Investigative Committee has added a charge of document forgery to the general, a TASS source in law enforcement agencies reported. As a result, Popov is accused of committing crimes under the articles of fraud on an especially large scale and official forgery, which entailed a serious violation of the legitimate interests of society and the state. The general does not admit guilt. The amount of damage in the case has been reduced from more than 130 million rubles to 105 million rubles. The major general is accused of causing damage in the amount of just over 1 million rubles. In the near future, the case will be sent to a military court for consideration on the merits. The general’s lawyer did not refute the addition of the charge and said that the defense considers it unfounded. According to the lawyer, the new charge is caused by the uncertainty of the investigation, since General Popov, he is sure, can be acquitted of fraud. Thus, the lawyer believes, the investigation ensured that “at least something” remained in the case. The defense believes that the charge of forgery duplicates the charge of fraud. The lawyer did not specify any other details, citing the closed nature of the trial. The court is expected to hear the case in the near future.

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