NFC signs stopped working in Omsk public transport – July 4, 2024

Publication in CHAT: Russia

This payment method is currently unavailable to Omsk residents Source: Omsk Administration Transport Department Today, July 4, at about 7 a.m., Passenger Service specialists discovered that NFC signs stopped working in public transport. A technical problem was detected on the part of the Mir payment system. Because of this, the process of exchanging data with the servers of Russian banks was interrupted. This was reported by the Omsk Transport Department. Specialists from JSC PassengerService took control of the situation. Now the technical support service of the Mir NSPK is trying to solve the problem. Thanks to these signs, Omsk residents were able to save 8 rubles on public transport by paying with the fast payment system (FPS). The campaign started on June 17 and will last until September 30. NFC signs are located in a prominent place at the entrance to transport, they have the logo of the fast payment system. Let us remind you that from July 1, the fare for public transport in Omsk has been increased by 10 rubles.[Обновлено 10:40] NFC tokens are back in use in public transport. Omsk residents will once again be able to pay for travel at a discount using a QR code.

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