and we eat this all summer, we force the children too – Russia today

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It is believed that berries and vegetables are healthy foods that cannot cause harm. Pxhere For example, grapes are not just a sweet and aromatic berry, but a product with its own characteristics that are not always suitable for everyone. Gastroenterologist Daria Utyumova from SberHealth drew attention to the fact that grapes can be one of the most harmful berries. She bases her statements on scientific facts. Grapes contain a significant amount of sugar – up to 16 grams per 100 grams of berries, which makes them almost “candy” in natural packaging. This can be dangerous for people with diabetes or carbohydrate metabolism problems, as excess sugar can raise blood glucose levels. Additionally, grapes, like many other fruits, are rich in vitamin C, which is beneficial in moderation but can cause allergic reactions in some people. Excessive consumption of grapes can cause allergic reactions, especially in people with a predisposition to them. It is also worth noting that grapes stimulate the production of gastric juice. For people with gastritis, stomach or duodenal ulcers, this can be a problem, since the increased acidity of gastric juice can irritate the damaged mucous membrane. It is important to remember that grapes are not only a tasty berry, but also a product that has certain properties that can be both beneficial and harmful to health. Therefore, when consuming grapes, you must take into account your individual characteristics and consult a doctor, especially if you have diseases or allergies. Grapes, despite their beneficial properties, can be harmful in some cases. Here are some reasons why grapes can be harmful: 1. High sugar content. Grapes contain large amounts of natural sugar, which makes them undesirable for people with diabetes or problems with carbohydrate metabolism. 2. High acidity. Grapes can stimulate the production of stomach acid, which can be problematic for people with gastritis, stomach or duodenal ulcers. 3. Allergic reactions. Grapes, especially their skins, can cause allergic reactions in some people, especially those who are sensitive to fructose or have an allergy to the fruit. 4. Risk of pesticide contamination. Grapes may contain pesticide residues because they are often treated with chemicals during cultivation. 5. Risk of water retention. Due to their high sugar content, grapes can promote water retention in the body, which can be problematic for people with edema or heart failure. It is important to remember that these factors can affect health to varying degrees depending on the individual. If you have any medical conditions or allergies, it is recommended that you discuss eating grapes with your doctor. source “Nasha Gazeta Novorossiysk”

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