Advisor to the head of the DPR Gagin suffered due to the release of ammunition from a UAV – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Advisor to the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Yan Gagin was injured as a result of ammunition falling from a drone near the village of Yelenovka. Gagin told TASS that he and a friend were driving a car, but one day the car got a flat tire. They drove under the trees to avoid being noticed by the UAV. Soon the drone dropped its ammunition. Doctors recorded multiple shrapnel wounds to the head, face, arm and thigh of Gagin’s friend. The adviser to the head of the DPR has a shrapnel wound to the face, shoulder and abrasions. Gagin noted that serious consequences were avoided thanks to the presence of an electron gun, with the help of which it was possible to extinguish the drone’s signal and disorient it. First aid to the victims was provided at the Volnovakha district hospital. The consultant is now at home.

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