Mickey Rourke – from beauty to the beast – Russia today

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His devoted fans no longer dreamed that their idol would ever rise from silent oblivion. But life brings unexpected surprises… When he played an aging boxer in the great film The Wrestler, Mickey Rourke was talked about again. Mickey Rourke, oddly enough, returned to duty with the speed of the wind, received the most prestigious film awards for this role and at one festival, holding a statuette in his hands, even cried. What the actor was thinking about in those minutes, one can only guess; maybe he remembered how he cried all night when his father left them, and the boy was only seven years old? Maybe his hated stepfather, who beat Rourke, burst into his thoughts? Or maybe he returned to distant 1982 – the time when the young man became a world star, played in Francis Ford Copolla’s film Rumble Fish. The story of his life is a volcano of passions, where passion, alcohol, illegal substances and even prison are mixed. Just let’s not run ahead of the locomotive, we’ll tell you everything in order… The childhood of the future star began with mental trauma. Phillip Andrew (real name Mickey) was only 7 years old when Rourke Sr. without regret he left seven children, whose mother soon found a new father. The stepfather abused the children as best he could, and weak Mickey got it the most. Sometimes the child fled, seeking protection from his Cuban courtyard friends. A strange manner for an adult to press his head into his shoulders, a piercing gaze from under his eyebrows and a constant readiness for self-defense will remain with him forever. He suspected deceit and deceit in everything, and saw only enemies in people – everyone without exception. One day he accidentally entered a boxing school and realized that he had finally found a way out and salvation, here he would learn to defend himself not only from a newly-made relative, but also from the whole world. Rourke repeated in one voice in the ring: this looks more like murder than sport. The famous boxer Robert Conrad, nicknamed Papa Boyington, once left the hall in horror with the words: “He doesn’t fight, he kills. This is not sport, but despair.” The image of his father remained throughout his life the only bright spot among the evil and hostile human faces. Every time he saw a man on the street who vaguely resembled his father, Rourke ran after him for a whole block, hoping for the latter. The minute he got to him and returned him to his family, Mr. Rourke, before he was fifty years old, died in 1981 from drunkenness – exactly a year before his son became a world star… Unable to withstand the blows and scandals. More from a hated stepfather, Rourke ran away from home and came to New York. After boxing, one might think that the guy decided to become an athlete, but, having met a boy on the beach who loved the theater, Mickey decided to study in the theater. acting studio, borrowing $400 from his sister, Rourke got a job as a bouncer in a brothel for queens. The money earned was barely enough to pay for school. He had to sell chestnuts in Central Park, and on Sundays he had to sell chestnuts. cleaned the pool and washed the floors, dried the air mattresses, Mickey rented a tiny room and ate only chips and peanuts. The windows of his room faced the wall of the neighboring house, so the sun never came in. Rourke was never there. He had no friends or girlfriends. All his property consisted of worn shoes, jeans, a washed T-shirt and a sweater. All that warmed his thoughts at that time were bright dreams of an acting future. The training scene in the acting studio even helped the guy feel happy for the first time, because he managed to get rid of the eternal bad mood, anger, suspicion and become a different person. In the late 1970s, Rook starred in television productions, worked in roles – it was time to make ends meet. His feature film debut took place in a small role in Steven Spielberg’s film Nineteen Forty-One. He also played in the slasher film Eclipse (1980). However, the actor was noticed a little later, when he appeared in the film “Body Warmth”. After this, critics began to praise Mickey. In 1982, a drama with comedy elements called “Diner” was released. It was the directorial debut of Barry Levinson, who would go on to direct such films as Rain Man and Exposure. In the film, Rourke played the role of Robert “Boogie” Sheftell, for which the National Society of Film Critics named him Best Supporting Actor. Soon after, Mickey starred in Francis Ford Coppola’s drama Rumble Fish. Although the film adaptation of Susan Eloise Hinton’s novel was not a great success at first, the film eventually gained a cult following for its depiction of the lives of young people. Success came when the film “Nine and a Half Weeks” took the world by storm. . After this, Mickey’s life changed dramatically. The role of Kim Basinger’s hot lover in the erotic drama helped the actor gain the status of a sex symbol. The film is based on the novel by Elizabeth MacNeil and is about a woman who becomes sexually dependent on a man. It was supposed to be released with an “adults only” rating, but the directors wanted to create a commercially successful film adaptation, so the most explicit scenes were adjusted. Not all controversial points from the book made it to the screen. Rourke began a booming business when he was paid $10 million per role. However, success cost him much more. For filming the film “Daddy of Greenwich Village,” Rourke gained 12 kilograms. Lost ten pounds in 9.5 weeks. Knocked out two teeth because of “Drunk.” I got a tattoo of Irish Republican Army soldiers praying for retreat. I lay naked in the snow for all seven takes of the dangerous scene of Francis of Assisi. I spent a whole month working side by side with real police officers for the film “Year of the Dragon,” going out at any time of the day to answer calls from still-warming corpses. He himself spent all the boxing rounds in “Boyfriend” without special effects, where a real ax was made from his body. His first marriage to aspiring actress Debbie was more than unsuccessful. Mickey didn’t even understand why he got married. True love came to Rourke 5 years later. They met in 1989 during her audition for the lead role in the erotic melodrama Wild Orchid. As soon as Carrie Otis appeared in front of Mickey, he fell in love. Crazy at first glance. The tall, blue-eyed brunette with full lips was extremely graceful and graceful. Footage of the film’s climactic sex scene was sold to Playboy and became the subject of a lawsuit filed by Otis, who was not in the best shape at the time—his pockmarked face pockmarked, his body gaining weight—and yet he. managed to get Carrie to reciprocate. The crew still blushes remembering their passionate courtship during the filming of the sex scene, when the actors, completely lost in passion, could not stop. Soon after filming, the couple got married, and Mickey Rourke’s life went downhill… Over time, the set became more and more reminiscent of the famous boxing ring. In fact, Hollywood offered Rourke roles as “pumped up noisemakers,” but he wanted something different. On film sets, he increasingly started ugly scandals, when he did not like certain decisions of the director, that Mickey caught fire, and when, as in childhood, he was overcome by hatred. he solved all problems in the only way available to him – with his fists. Rourke’s cruelty also did not spare Otis Mickey for the first time after one of the parties at which he had to languish with jealousy. Then everything went according to plan. Quarrels were constantly accompanied by beatings. Carrie tried to leave the house. She threw the first things she came across into her bag and sometimes ran out into the street barefoot. However, Mickey always brought her back. One day he stopped her impending escape by… cutting off his finger. And yet she left, and he rushed to prison! Mrs. Carrie Otis-Rourke presented a detailed complaint against her husband: she accused him of losing his job in a modeling agency due to constant beatings, that for the same reason her vertebrae had changed, and doctors predicted that in the near future she would she will have complete paralysis of the limbs and will be in a wheelchair. The charge was serious: Rourke faced prison time for abusing his wife. However, the actor spent only 48 hours in the cell: the lawyer managed to get permission from the judge to release the client before issuing a written decision to pay 50 thousand dollars. I promise not to leave. Rourke was prohibited from approaching his ex-wife closer than 100 meters. The actor began to drink more and more often, forbidden substances saved him from despair, but he did not want to live at all. He lived in this rhythm for almost 10 years, until the desire to act in films returned to him again, so as not to deceive the trust of his loyal fans. Now handsome John from the movie “9 1/” is unrecognizable. 2 weeks” from an old man with a sad look. And this is due to injuries in the ring, bad habits and, as a result, the collapse of a career. In 1994, the actor left filming and returned to the boxing ring. the actor participated in 8 fights with professional boxers – and this became his main mistake (along with bad habits). The battles literally left their mark on him: the actor’s nose, ribs, finger were broken, and he received many other facial injuries. including a severed tongue, doctors and cosmetologists tried to restore him to his former attractiveness: but it was already clear that Rourke would no longer be a sex symbol, and one of the surgeons did more damage to Mickey than the boxing gloves of his opponents. And yet, in the 1990s, one could still recognize him as a former handsome man. But his career was no longer going well; Rourke was invited only to third-rate action films, or even completely cut out during editing. It is clear that Mickey Rourke captured his fading youth and his fading attractiveness for a long time. There is no doubt: he has undergone more than one cosmetic surgery. But each time the result became more and more deplorable: “I am depressed by the thought that I have lost my appearance. Looking at my old films, it takes me a long time to come to my senses. I was so attractive. It’s disgusting to see what I’ve become,” Mickey openly stated in an interview. Mickey Rourke has undergone more than one global plastic surgery to correct previous unsuccessful attempts. But the result speaks for itself: at 70 years old, Mickey Rourke looks scary and sad.

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