A biometric passport in Russia will rise in price by a thousand rubles – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The state duty for issuing a biometric passport will be indexed at 20%. Pozdnyakova said that the new prices will come into force in July “The cost for paper international passports of adults and children, as well as for a sailor’s passport, has not changed. The price of a passport with electronic storage for children has increased from 2,500 to 3,000 rubles, for adults – from 5,000 to 6,000 rubles,” she said, “a visa to enter Russia will rise to 1,200 rubles, and for a document for multiple border crossings, foreigners will have to pay 1,920 rubles A refugee’s travel document will cost 420 rubles, registration – 6,000 rubles. Some tourists encountered errors in their passports. Director of the Moscow Bar Association “Liptser, Stavitskaya and Partners” Dmitry Agranovsky advised in such cases to complain to the travel agency and demand compensation for a failed vacation. .

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