Two Samara beaches did not pass the inspection of Rospotrebnadzor – Russia today

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06.20.2024 09:01 SAMARA. JUNE 20. LAST NEWS. Read: 7 Print version If you find an error in the text, highlight it and press CTR+Enter In Samara, there are beaches on the first (from Leningradskaya St. to Vilonovskaya St.) and second (from Mayakovsky St. to the dam). ). in the area of ​​the KINAP complex)) river lines did not pass the inspection of Rospotrebnadzor according to sanitary standards, the press service of the department reports. “During the period from June 11 to June 18, water samples from the reservoir were found to be inconsistent with microbiological indicators. No pathogenic microflora was identified. The quality of the sand meets hygienic requirements. Based on the results of the inspection, local government bodies, as well as the organization operating the beaches of Samara, received recommendations on the need to inform the population about the unsatisfactory quality of water in reservoirs by installing plenums (black balloon or poster “Swimming is prohibited”). The agency recommends limiting swimming on these beaches. In total, 35 beaches are planned in the Samara region in the areas: Samara, Tolyatti, Syzran, Novokuibyshevsk, Otradny. 11 beaches were organized: city beach in Novokuibyshevsk (Sakulino2 beach); Novokuybyshevsk, 68th quarter, right bank of the river. Volga; city ​​beach of the 1st stage of the Samara embankment; city ​​beach 2nd stage of the Samara embankment; Samara city beach (Barboshina Polyana); beach in the Festivalnaya Polyana area (Mastryukovo village, Volzhsky district); beach Children’s center “Yunost” Samara region Shigonsky district, village. p. Muranka; beach lake Barskoye, Volzhsky district, Sila Truda village (IBU DZSOTS “Volzhanin”); beach GBOUDODDOP village Zhiguli. Zolnoye, Zhigulevsk. Swimming in reservoirs in unorganized areas is not recommended. Due to the long-term retention of the water level above 29 meters, changes have been made to the schedule for preparing Samara beaches for opening. Beach preparations have now been completed and the beaches will be ready for use by approximately June 21st. At this time, the water will warm up to a comfortable 18-20 degrees. Last news

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