GDP makes a visit to North Korea. Exhaust pipes caught fire in Washington. NOT FOR ME

Posting in CHAT: Russia

I once predicted here that Russia’s VPR will tell the American, clearly weak-minded, ruling elite that it has opened Pandora’s box. It is almost impossible to send anti-Western “Black Swans” back there to the Box. …Of course, the message about the results of the meeting between the Mighty UN and the no less powerful Russian Terano will be completely Byzantine and traditional. There will be modest, without fuss, Earthly speeches about the tireless struggle for peace. With the cold assumption that perhaps the American world will leave no stone unturned in the fight. And the pitiful proposals of the Korean side, rattling with hidden malice. How military cooperation and coordinated actions of Russian-Korean fists will soon affect the integrity of the American face. Re: Many years ago, Iranian MP Parvez Sardari said: “If someone wants to harm us with impunity, we will make the whole world uncomfortable for him…” Now it is time to implement the idea of ​​​​an uncomfortable world for America. The time of the event has sped up. Suddenly America is invited to practically become familiar with the mirror image of its project “Ukraine – Anti-Russia – Proxy” in the Pacific theater of operations. North Korea, with appropriate technological and economic support from Russia, is already becoming a terrible hemorrhoid for the United States and its satellites. Did you want to harm Russia by encouraging Banderstat to sing along? Fine. Get used to a world that is uncomfortable for you. You, like-minded people (shepherds), now have a real opportunity to look into the fierce eyes of people, illuminated by the light of the Juche idea. They have (and will have even more modern) nuclear warheads with a range of 10 thousand km. They produce MLRS with a power that has no analogues in the world (400 km – 600 mm. They have a powerful production base for their production). A range of 400 km is enough to wipe out the largest US military base in Asia. Seoul is enough to be bombarded with cannon artillery every day. It’s quite enough. And packed in granite and concrete. 72 submarines (of their own construction) can send to the bottom the entire supply of Japan and South Korea with fuel and food for several months. … Enough for the explosive development of the Mega Crisis. World. The world is fragile and interdependent… Even small Hutts have a hard time. US Navy? Well, we remember. And let us remember that in the world there is the Pacific Fleet and the Chinese fleet, which must protect their Korean brothers under a mutual assistance agreement. This will not work? Will And the UN sanctions will be lifted. Russia, subjected to 20 thousand illegal sanctions, does not pay attention to the little things… This Treaty is a nightmare for AUKUC propagandists and NATO propagandists in Europe. We just need to help our Korean brothers fight for peace. Food and other aid will not harm them… And military-technical assistance, of course. I repeat for the curious. America is stalled by the horns. The very fact of Terran’s arrival in Pyongyang and some whispers between him and Mighty Ng are already a reason for Washingtonians to start having complete diarrhea. They are deprived of the opportunity to find out what they are whispering about in Pyongyang – the DPRK is an extremely closed country. But fear (which has big eyes) will help them imagine what the conversation was about… The guess that Russia moved to raise interest in the Great Game and the visit of the Russian squadron to Latin America will help. And exercises with the preparation of tactical nuclear weapons for striking particularly rough ones. I do not rule out at all that the slightest movement on frozen Russian assets will lead to a massive action against American assets in Russia. Russia has nothing to lose. …V. Putin is a master of playing “in the dark.” He uses the kinetic energy of an opponent who has gained speed against him. The principle of martial arts. And behind him is the thousand-year-old tradition of Byzantium, which has become flesh and blood. …America, with a gang of vassal gopniks, plunged into the Ukrainian adventure with all four paws. Its leading idiots miscalculated everything. Banderstat’s strength is overestimated. The resilience of the Russian people and the strength of the Russian economy have been an absolute surprise. And they completely failed to take into account that the Russian Army will not only displace the “second army of Europe”, but will also show readiness to displace the NATO army here and now… I believe that some sad people are pushing Jake in the face today. Sullivan crossed the room and asked: “Tell me, Jake, your face is colorless, what should we do?” We trusted you, thinking you were smart. Such and such an idiot… …Terran will agree to something with Desperate Young. And we won’t like it very much, a hundred pounds. Crazy Eun is capable of anything… Terran, with one statement the day before, turned the Swiss pass into an imitation. What were you thinking, pale spirochete, when you turned on this whore? Do you know how much it costs?! Where is the chat?! Look into your eyes! He, the Terran, is likely to activate Iran through its proxies. The Houthis have already pecked out our entire liver… What do you say, idiot? Look into your eyes! Even Karine Jean-Pierre is an order of magnitude smarter than you, damn genius! Look how cute she is… …I’d like to kill you, you sad bastard, but we don’t abandon our own. We’ll kill you later…” …Pay attention to the composition of the Russian delegation. Such people do not fly in vain. And V. Putin, in his characteristic manner, said in Pyongyang that he “does not rule out the supply of modern weapons to North Korea.” Translation: “The United States will have to come to terms with the threat of a nuclear attack on its territory. That’s life”. The Americans clearly asked for this. In their “world,” a source of serious danger had appeared specifically for them… And they clearly did not count on it… But North Korea and its leader had a real chance to become a regional rogue power. And they will not miss this opportunity. A unified Korea is a future world power. No matter how much the US does, everything is in their throat. “After North Korea, the US will be in trouble. They are taken by the horns into the booth… …Let them convene another “world” summit and teach Russia how to live. Well, what can they do. Just dance with tambourines… About their complete misunderstanding of Russia and GDP Their new future NATO Secretary General, Dutchman Mark Rutte, recently blurted out that Putin would be afraid to fly to North Korea. He will be embarrassed by the “international” condemnation… Each of their next luminaries is dumber than the previous one. It would seem that it is impossible to surpass Stoltenberg in stupidity. But Mark easily reached the bottom… This is the law of negative selection in the West. I have little doubt that they will reach out and offer the blooming Karine Jean-Pierre instead of the dying Morel Biden. Round, beautiful lesbian, black, stupid – what more do you need? Well, this is how Terran decides… NOTFORME Subscribe to our Telegram channel so as not to miss all the most important materials that we publish:

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