Perm graduates were told where to go in case of violations on the Unified State Exam

Posting in CHAT: Russia

State exams began on May 23. In the Perm region, on May 23, the first Unified State Examinations in geography, literature and chemistry began. In 2024, more than nine thousand students will have to take the state exam Photo: Dmitry Makhonin/telegram The Perm prosecutor recalled that the Unified State Exam must be carried out according to established standards. Any violation is monitored by law enforcement agencies. In order to prevent violations of students’ rights during its implementation, the prosecutor of the Perm region opens a hotline by phone 8 (342) 233-56-09. ru reported that schoolchildren in the Kama region will be able to retake one subject of the Unified State Exam on July 4 and 5.

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