The “Happy Family” monument was restored in the Krasnoglinsky district of Samara

Posting in CHAT: Russia

05.23.2024 17:29 SAMARA. MAY, 23RD. VOLGA NEWS. Read: 151 Print version If you find an error in the text, highlight it and press CTR+Enter In May, the “Happy Family” monument in the village was restored and opened to the townspeople. Krasnaya Glinka in Samara. Restoration of the sculptural composition began in 2023. The work was carried out by professional restorers. They took into account all the features of the pedestal and sculpture, preserving the details and artistic appearance. On the pedestal there are three figures representing well-being and strong family values: a woman, a man and a little girl sitting in his arms. As project architect Sergei Ryabov explains, the matter began with the development of a project for modern improvement of the area around the monument. It is based on the image of fertile land – a symbol of the fact that behind the visible feeling of happiness there is always hidden a less presentable, but important layer of compromises, traditions and everything on which this happiness is based, that feeds it. Thus, dark and textured materials were used in the design of the ceilings, palisades and pedestal design. The restoration work was carried out delicately: a historical layer was discovered, which then served as the basis for the color scheme of the project. Last news

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