The Governor of Voronezh discussed the development of private preschool education with entrepreneurs

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Governor Alexander Gusev took part in the ninth Wilhelm Stoll Business Forum. A large-scale event took place in the city park “Grad” on Thursday, May 23. The business program of the forum contained 20 sections on six thematic sections, during which about 40 speakers spoke. Photo – Vitaly Grass prev. track. The head of the region visited an exhibition of manufacturers in the Voronezh region and took part in a strategic session dedicated to the topic of business participation in solving socially significant problems. The meeting brought together representatives of the state, construction companies and social entrepreneurs working in the field of private school and preschool education. The discussion was attended by Deputy Governor Dmitry Maslov, Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Voronezh Region Natalya Khvan, and the head of Voronezh. Vadim Kstenin, Minister of Education of the region Natalya Salogubova, Vice-President of the regional government Konstantin Kuznetsov, entrepreneur, member of the Public Chamber of the Voronezh Region, Chairman of the Committee for the Development of Social Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Voronezh Region Olesya Nazarova and General Director of the construction company Andrey Sobolev Opening the meeting, Alexander Gusev noted that the development of private preschool education is extremely promising for the Voronezh region. Regional authorities are ready to provide state support, including by reducing parental fees for children in private kindergartens. According to Alexander Gusev, thanks to the development of private kindergartens, regional authorities will significantly save costs on capital construction of schools. In addition, private kindergartens also provide new jobs. “This, among other things, is a convenient format for parents: they can bring their child to the kindergarten, which is located in their residential complex, “in a dress and slippers,” he noted. The head of the region, Natalya Salogubova, noted that private kindergartens will be especially in demand among parents of children with disabilities – owners of private kindergartens – shared the problems they face, Natalya Khvan noted that this is one of the main “brakes” in the development of private preschool education . education – high rents and the inability to buy places for kindergartens Olesya Nazarova said that now the main model of modern private preschool education in Voronezh is located in built-in premises. The buildings have no dining areas or walking areas. this – children walk around the territory of the residential complex – 90% of private kindergartens are like this. This is not bad, because a small kindergarten has its advantages: in small groups, teachers approach each child individually. A private kindergarten also means low financial risks from a business point of view, manageability of business processes and, of course, rapid scalability. But time passes, and now the demand of parents for small, comfortable, beautiful kindergartens is decreasing. In addition, the demographic situation is such that the number of preschool children is declining. Parents are faced with a choice: go to a large modern kindergarten, where the child will be practically free, or to a small private kindergarten with individual access, but for a certain amount, Olesya Nazarova noted at a meeting with the governor, the entrepreneur presented. project of the first public-private partnership in the Voronezh region – a private kindergarten for 125 places. The preschool institution will be built in a house under construction on the street. Shishkova, 140b/12. The total area of ​​the kindergarten is 1623 square meters. meters The area of ​​the embankment will be 1000 square meters. meters Construction of the kindergarten will be completed in December 2024. The participants in the public-private partnership project are the Ministry of Education of the Voronezh Region, the city administration and the developer. The developer provides new premises with walking areas. Thanks to interaction with the government of the Voronezh region, the operator of the preschool institution will receive subsidies from the regional budget. As part of the strategic session, an agreement was signed between the parties on the implementation of a joint project for a private kindergarten. It was signed in the presence of the Governor, Mayor Vadim Kstenin, Natalya Salogubova, Olesya Nazarova and Andrei Sobolev. The entrepreneur also asked the head of the region to reduce taxes for social enterprises. Mayor of Voronezh Vadim Kstenin noted that the procedure for subsidizing private kindergartens from the city budget is already ready. In addition, the city authorities plan to transfer municipal plots for free use to companies that are engaged in private preschool education, speaking about private kindergartens, they noted some risks. Thus, with a public-private partnership, regional authorities will not be able to quickly organize inspections of preschool institutions. The head of the region ordered the creation of a working group on these issues. “We must look at the amount of subsidies from the regional budget.” It should be closer to the cost of one child. We also need to make a calculation of the income that we will receive from taxation – both for preschool education operators and for developers. We will distribute these amounts in the form of grants. Developers also need to be encouraged – for example, by reducing land taxes for companies implementing such projects. “We must calculate everything and understand our financial capabilities,” said the head of the region. Later, an annual open dialogue between entrepreneurs, bloggers and social activists took place with Governor Alexander Gusev. Forum participants could ask questions to the head of the region in advance, and the most pressing ones were voiced during the plenary session. The head of the region was asked questions not only about entrepreneurship, but also about various aspects of regional development and artificial intelligence. , Personnel shortage and development of tourism in the region Following the results of the event, the governor presented the Prize to the winner in the nomination “For the implementation of an important project for the region in the field of entrepreneurship.” Read more in the material of RIA Voronezh. Did you notice the error? 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