Karakurts and “false black widows” scare the residents of Taganrozh every year

Posting in CHAT: Russia

For two decades now, Taganrog periodically recalls karakurt spiders. Conversations about “black widows” begin at the beginning of each summer and die down closer to winter. “Karakurts in our steppes are, in fact, the norm. For several years we do not see these insects at all. However, in the early 2000s, scientists began to find cocoons again. Since then their number has grown. At some point it will reach a peak and begin to fall due to natural reasons. Epidemics also occur among spiders, many of them attract other predators,” explained Aleksey Tikhonov, associate professor of the Department of Zoology at the Academy of Biology and Biotechnology of the Southern Federal University, back in 2017. Last year, another scientist – Alexander Lipkovich; , commented on the situation: “This is part of our fauna. The wind can carry spider larvae tens of kilometers; they probably came to Rostov from the Taganrog Bay. most often at night while resting in natural conditions. Less often – during the day, if you step on karakurt with your bare foot or accidentally grab it with your hands,” Rospotrebnadzor reassures. Indeed, isolated cases of bites occur both in our city and in its environs. But these bites are rare, and no deaths have been recorded at all. The diversity of our fauna further confuses the townspeople. The reason for this is steatospiders. The photo above shows just such a spider. This is a close relative of the karakurt. It is also black, shiny and scary. However, its poison is much weaker (by orders of magnitude) and is not fatal. This way you don’t have to be afraid of spiders. Be careful not to walk barefoot on dry grass, especially if you notice cobwebs there. And, most likely, you will not encounter a poisonous insect. If you are bitten, go to the hospital. S. Klunny 2953 News about Notepad-Taganrog

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