The Zvyozdochka ship repair center has changed its position on the Verax case – Russia today

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News | 23 05 2024, 20:55 | SeverPost Photo: United Shipbuilding Corporation JSC The Zvezdochka ship repair center replaced its representative at the trial, who agreed with the position of the prosecutor’s office. “In the courtroom, which took place on May 23, the representative of the victim was replaced, a new representative arrived, stating that the administration had completely revised its position on the criminal case and now agreed with the position of the prosecutor’s office on the criminal case. case . about the existence of damage as a result of the actions of S.N. Verakso,” reports the telegram channel “AB Panfilov and Partners.” According to the channel, a break has been announced in the courtroom until May 28 to prepare the defense for the questioning of the victim’s representative. Let us remind you that the trial of the ex-director of SRZ-35 in Murmansk has been postponed to mid-May. Read also: Murmansk customs officers reminded shipowners of criminal liability. To be the first to know about the main news and the most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel.

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