Motorized riflemen of the Central Military District conducted real shooting near Samara with recruits from the CSKA sports company.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

05.23.2024 18:24 SAMARA. MAY, 23RD. VOLGA NEWS. Read: 63 Print version If you find an error in the text, highlight it and press CTR+Enter Soldiers of the motorized rifle formation of the Central Military District (CMD) conducted live firing with recruits of the CSKA sports company in the Samara region. Photo: provided by the Information Policy Department of the Administration of the Governor of the Samara Region. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, the athletes conducted training shooting using a Kalashnikov AK-12 assault rifle. The event took place as part of basic military training, where recruits learn the basics of military service. “Servicemen of the Samara sports company of the Central Sports Club of the Army – representatives of 16 Olympic sports – conducted the first initial shooting during the exercises with the help of instructors from a motorized rifle unit. All military personnel successfully completed their assigned tasks. The lesson was held at a high methodological level. Upon completion of initial military training, the fighters will be sent to the Russian National Team Training Center, where they will be able to continue their activities as part of the national team. I train and represent the interests of the country on international sports grounds,” commented the senior coach of the CSKA sports company, Major Vitaly Kiktev. The shooting occurred at the Roshchinsky training ground with the participation of 40 recruits who represent Olympic sports and are members of the Russian national team

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