“He is our main partner.” Putin’s words for the Chinese news agency

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Before his visit to China, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an interview to the Chinese news agency Xinhua. In it, he discussed various aspects of Russian-Chinese relations, global issues and Russia’s economic development, emphasizing that the Russian-Chinese partnership is built on the basis. principles of equality, trust and mutual respect. Trade turnover between countries has doubled over the past five years, reaching $227.8 billion in 2022. More than 90% of settlements between companies are carried out in national currencies. Russia recognizes China as its main trading partner, and Russia has risen to fourth place among China’s trading partners. partners in 2023. Putin also noted the growing popularity of learning Chinese in Russia and the growing number of Russian tourists in China, and China agreed to declare 2024 and 2025 years of culture in honor of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, and also discussed the strengthening of BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and expressed China’s understanding of the need resolution of the Ukrainian crisis. However, he pointed out the lack of support for Chinese initiatives from Ukraine and Western countries. In conclusion, Putin said that Russia is one of the five largest countries in the world in terms of purchasing power parity and is striving to join the top four. the biggest. economy To achieve this goal, Russia will focus on increasing labor productivity through the introduction of technology, innovation and automation.

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