Perm has become a leader among cities where many small houses and apartments are sold

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The area of ​​these houses does not exceed 60 sq.m. In Russia, the trend towards reducing the area of ​​individual residential buildings is gaining momentum. The demand for tiny houses is also growing. That is why Izvestia presented a rating of cities in which you can most often find offers to purchase houses with an area of ​​no more than 60 sq.m. and apartments with an area of ​​about 30 sq.m. Telegram channel of the Governor of the Perm Territory Dmitry Makhonin Thus, Perm has taken second place among cities with a million population in terms of the number of small-sized apartments, some of which. such housing was at the level of 30.9%. And in the ranking of houses, Perm took third place. That is, according to the publication, approximately 21.9% of offers on the market are houses with an area of ​​30 to 60 sq.m. According to real estate buying experts, such properties are much cheaper. And Perm residents have learned to solve the problem of lack of space through zoning and a minimum of furniture. Earlier, reported that in Perm they plan to build up the territory of the Trudovye Reservy stadium with houses.

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