More than 14 million patients were diagnosed with neural networks in Moscow – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Moscow doctors have made more than 14 million diagnoses for patients using artificial intelligence (AI). This is reported by Moscow 24. Neural networks have been introduced into medical programs, where personal data of patients and the results of their examinations are also entered. The system analyzes all the information received, after which it produces a list of previous diagnoses and suggests methods of treating the disease. “Artificial intelligence is now implemented in the EMIAS system in the form of a medical decision support system. It helps reduce the time spent completing medical records while increasing the time spent working directly between physician and patient and performing certain medical procedures. , which also helps improve the quality of medical care,” explained head Alexander Tokmakov. from the therapeutic department of city clinic No. 175. In addition, the neural network is capable of studying images of internal organs, as well as analyzing tumors in them. It is noted that AI currently identifies 95% of the most common diseases, but by the end of the year the list of “known” diseases is planned to be expanded. Earlier, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that the city will continue to introduce services based on artificial intelligence (AI) into the practice of the radiological service.

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